Monday, May 31, 2010


We are doing a lot of budget planning lately. Budget on renovation of our new house. Budget on money to spent to get a car (new or used one). Budget on air-ticket to visit my hometown before I start working again. Budget on furnitures. Budget on electric gadget. All these involve money!

Okay, I forgot another very important budget. Budget on money that we need to pay for my girls' nanny fees and their school fees. I actually have a lot of plan in mind. I want them to learn ballet, swimming, karate, piano and arts. All these classes involve a huge amount of tuition fees. Anyway, when I talk about this with hubby, he splash a big pile of cold water on me! He got his point also, we must make sure the girls are interested in all the classes that I intend to send them. No point waste money on something they are not interested in, right? Correct! In that case, I would prefer to invest my money to buy gold bullion which is a better way to invest my money!