Moved to a new home, because company's firewall blocked Blogger!!!
But, dunno why, today suddently can access... dunno can last for how long...
Anyway, see you at : New LOVE.JOY.LIFE!!!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I am back...
Last week was on leave for one whole week. Went back to my home town to attend my sister's wedding. Now, i am so tired and lazy to do everything... But, must force myself to put full concentration on my work... Had been away for one week, so many program and testing waiting for me to settle in a week time (because we will start our trial run end of this week). Luckily still manage to finish it!!! Well done to myself!!! hahaha....
After spending one week of sweet time with daddy and mummy, Anne is so "glue" to me now. Every morning, once i pass her to my babysitter, she will start crying pityfully... her face looks so pity and her tears come out so fast... make my "heart broken" to leave her in this situation.. Aiii, what to do? Mummy have to work ma... Sorry Anne...
Mummy miss you so muchhhhyyyy la......
p/s: will blog about our life in Miri in my next post... chiao first!!
After spending one week of sweet time with daddy and mummy, Anne is so "glue" to me now. Every morning, once i pass her to my babysitter, she will start crying pityfully... her face looks so pity and her tears come out so fast... make my "heart broken" to leave her in this situation.. Aiii, what to do? Mummy have to work ma... Sorry Anne...
Mummy miss you so muchhhhyyyy la......
p/s: will blog about our life in Miri in my next post... chiao first!!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
I really don't understand why some people can be so lazy to WALK! Yes, WALK! Even one floor, or i should say half a floor they also want to use lift. Some more we have escalator for them to go to floor 1A (this i consider half floor) and floor 1. But they just like to queue and wait so long in front of the lift, cramp with all people who go upper level. Time they used to wait is much more longer than the time the spend inside the lift. Well i just cannot understand!!!!
OK, may be today i am not in good mood... Didn't get enuff sleep, i think. Anne wake up at 4:00am and don't want to sleep after i breastfed her. Normally she will doze off after around 30 mins i breastfed her, but not today.... so, my "condition" NOT good now... i am like a zombie now!!! Errrkkk....
OK, may be today i am not in good mood... Didn't get enuff sleep, i think. Anne wake up at 4:00am and don't want to sleep after i breastfed her. Normally she will doze off after around 30 mins i breastfed her, but not today.... so, my "condition" NOT good now... i am like a zombie now!!! Errrkkk....
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
母亲一见儿子回来,二话不说便把饭菜往嘴里送。 她怒瞪他一眼。
他试了一口,马上吐出来, 儿子说:"我不是说过了吗,妈有病不能吃太咸!"
儿子沉默片刻,他是在寻找更好的理由。 "妈,其实老人院并没有甚么不好?知道老婆一但工作,一定没有时间好好服侍。老人院有吃有住有人服侍照顾, 不是比在家里好得多吗?"
"你妈都这么老了,好命的话可以活多几年,为何不趁这几年好好孝顺她呢?树欲静而风不息, 子欲养而亲不在啊!"亲戚总是这样劝他。
晚,太阳收敛起灼热的金光,躲在山后憩息。一间建在郊外山岗的一座贵族老人院。 是的,钱用得越多,儿子才心安理得。当儿子领着母亲步入大厅时,崭新的电视机,42英寸的荧幕正播放着一部喜剧,但观众一点笑声也没有。
几个衣着一样,发型一样的老妪歪歪斜斜地坐在发沙上,神情呆滞而落寞。有个老人在自言自语,有个正缓缓弯下腰,想去捡掉在地上的一块饼干吃。 儿子知道母亲喜欢光亮,所以为她选了一间阳光充足的房间。从窗口望出去,树荫下,一片芳草如茵。几名护士推着坐在轮椅的老者在夕阳下散步,四周悄然寂静得令人心酸。纵是夕阳无限好,毕竟已到了黄昏,他心中低低叹息。
他霍然记起一则儿时旧事。那年他才6岁,母亲有事回乡,不便携他同行,于是把他寄住在阿财叔家几天。母亲临走时,他惊恐地抱着母亲的腿不肯放,伤心大声号哭道:"妈妈不要丢下我!妈妈不要走!" 最后母亲没有丢下他。他连忙离开房间,顺手把门关上,不敢回头,深恐那记忆像鬼魅似地追缠而来。
"这么多垃圾,不把它扔掉,怎么放得下我的东西。" 岳母没好气地说。
"你这算甚态度?对我妈这么大声,我要你向我妈道歉!" (楼主注:这算什么儿子,把自己的母亲送到养老院,然后把岳母接来住,要就一起去送,要就留自己的母亲)
雨后的黑夜分外冷寂,街道萧瑟,行人车辆格外稀少。一辆宝马在路上飞驰,频频闯红灯,陷黄格,呼一声又飞驰而过。那辆轿车一路奔往山岗上的那间老人院,停车直奔上楼,推开母亲卧房的门。他幽灵似地站着,母亲正抚摸着风湿痛的双腿低泣。 她见到儿子手中正拿着那瓶风湿油,显然感到安慰的说:"妈忘了带,幸好你拿来!"他走到母亲身边,跪了下来。
孩子!当你还很小的时候,我花了很多时间,教你慢慢用汤匙、用筷子吃东西。教你系鞋带、扣扣子、溜滑梯、教你穿衣服、梳头发、拧鼻涕。这些和你在一起的点点滴滴,是多么的令我怀念不已。所以,当我想不起来,接不上话时,请给我一点时间,等我一下,让我再想一想 ......极可能最后连要说什么,我也一并忘记。孩子!你忘记我们练习了好几百回,才学会的第一首娃娃歌吗?是否还记得每天总要我绞尽脑汁,去回答不知道你从哪里冒出 来的吗?所以,当我重复又重复说着老掉牙的故事,哼着我孩提时代的儿歌时,体谅我。让我继续沉醉在这些回忆中吧!切望你,也能陪着我闲话家常吧!孩子,现在我常忘了扣扣子、系鞋带。吃饭时,会弄脏衣服,梳头发时手还会不停的抖,不要催促我,要对我多一点耐心和温柔,只要有你在一起,就会有很多的温暖涌上心 头。
如果此贴让你感动,如果你是一个孝顺有良知的人,如果你想老爸老妈有个幸福的晚年就回帖吧 。祝回帖的朋友的父母--身体健康,长命百岁,一生平安!!!!!!
母亲一见儿子回来,二话不说便把饭菜往嘴里送。 她怒瞪他一眼。
他试了一口,马上吐出来, 儿子说:"我不是说过了吗,妈有病不能吃太咸!"
儿子沉默片刻,他是在寻找更好的理由。 "妈,其实老人院并没有甚么不好?知道老婆一但工作,一定没有时间好好服侍。老人院有吃有住有人服侍照顾, 不是比在家里好得多吗?"
"你妈都这么老了,好命的话可以活多几年,为何不趁这几年好好孝顺她呢?树欲静而风不息, 子欲养而亲不在啊!"亲戚总是这样劝他。
晚,太阳收敛起灼热的金光,躲在山后憩息。一间建在郊外山岗的一座贵族老人院。 是的,钱用得越多,儿子才心安理得。当儿子领着母亲步入大厅时,崭新的电视机,42英寸的荧幕正播放着一部喜剧,但观众一点笑声也没有。
几个衣着一样,发型一样的老妪歪歪斜斜地坐在发沙上,神情呆滞而落寞。有个老人在自言自语,有个正缓缓弯下腰,想去捡掉在地上的一块饼干吃。 儿子知道母亲喜欢光亮,所以为她选了一间阳光充足的房间。从窗口望出去,树荫下,一片芳草如茵。几名护士推着坐在轮椅的老者在夕阳下散步,四周悄然寂静得令人心酸。纵是夕阳无限好,毕竟已到了黄昏,他心中低低叹息。
他霍然记起一则儿时旧事。那年他才6岁,母亲有事回乡,不便携他同行,于是把他寄住在阿财叔家几天。母亲临走时,他惊恐地抱着母亲的腿不肯放,伤心大声号哭道:"妈妈不要丢下我!妈妈不要走!" 最后母亲没有丢下他。他连忙离开房间,顺手把门关上,不敢回头,深恐那记忆像鬼魅似地追缠而来。
"这么多垃圾,不把它扔掉,怎么放得下我的东西。" 岳母没好气地说。
"你这算甚态度?对我妈这么大声,我要你向我妈道歉!" (楼主注:这算什么儿子,把自己的母亲送到养老院,然后把岳母接来住,要就一起去送,要就留自己的母亲)
雨后的黑夜分外冷寂,街道萧瑟,行人车辆格外稀少。一辆宝马在路上飞驰,频频闯红灯,陷黄格,呼一声又飞驰而过。那辆轿车一路奔往山岗上的那间老人院,停车直奔上楼,推开母亲卧房的门。他幽灵似地站着,母亲正抚摸着风湿痛的双腿低泣。 她见到儿子手中正拿着那瓶风湿油,显然感到安慰的说:"妈忘了带,幸好你拿来!"他走到母亲身边,跪了下来。
孩子!当你还很小的时候,我花了很多时间,教你慢慢用汤匙、用筷子吃东西。教你系鞋带、扣扣子、溜滑梯、教你穿衣服、梳头发、拧鼻涕。这些和你在一起的点点滴滴,是多么的令我怀念不已。所以,当我想不起来,接不上话时,请给我一点时间,等我一下,让我再想一想 ......极可能最后连要说什么,我也一并忘记。孩子!你忘记我们练习了好几百回,才学会的第一首娃娃歌吗?是否还记得每天总要我绞尽脑汁,去回答不知道你从哪里冒出 来的吗?所以,当我重复又重复说着老掉牙的故事,哼着我孩提时代的儿歌时,体谅我。让我继续沉醉在这些回忆中吧!切望你,也能陪着我闲话家常吧!孩子,现在我常忘了扣扣子、系鞋带。吃饭时,会弄脏衣服,梳头发时手还会不停的抖,不要催促我,要对我多一点耐心和温柔,只要有你在一起,就会有很多的温暖涌上心 头。
如果此贴让你感动,如果你是一个孝顺有良知的人,如果你想老爸老妈有个幸福的晚年就回帖吧 。祝回帖的朋友的父母--身体健康,长命百岁,一生平安!!!!!!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Will be 9 months old soooooon...
Anne will be exactly 9 months old tomorrow at 12:21pm. Time flies...
This morning she surprised us by waving her hand when hubby said good bye to her... What a joyful moment to us because before this we only got to know what she newly learned from our babysitter and this time, it's our turn to tell babysitter that she knows how to raise her hand when we say 'good bye'!! Haha...
I dunno how's ur baby, but Anne seems like not interested to most of the toy we bought. What she like most is "any piece of small paper". Why ar? Paper really that nice ka??? Emm... should i feel happy because i can save a lot of money?? Paper very cheap de ne...
So far, she understand/can:
- clap hands
- bye bye by raise her hand
- sit up without our help
- crawl and crawl and crawl and crawl...
- stand up if have someting to hold and support her like the pic below!!!!
This morning she surprised us by waving her hand when hubby said good bye to her... What a joyful moment to us because before this we only got to know what she newly learned from our babysitter and this time, it's our turn to tell babysitter that she knows how to raise her hand when we say 'good bye'!! Haha...
I dunno how's ur baby, but Anne seems like not interested to most of the toy we bought. What she like most is "any piece of small paper". Why ar? Paper really that nice ka??? Emm... should i feel happy because i can save a lot of money?? Paper very cheap de ne...
So far, she understand/can:
- clap hands
- bye bye by raise her hand
- sit up without our help
- crawl and crawl and crawl and crawl...
- stand up if have someting to hold and support her like the pic below!!!!
Anne, happy 9 months old!!!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
No mood to work...
Today, i have no mood to work.. why?? When you know that all your family members and friends are not going to work today, will you still work hard like normal day??? No, i am very much influenced by them... Holiday mood la....
1st and 2nd June are Sarawak's Gawai Festival, which is public holiday for the state. Emm... i think my family member sure very busy now.. Because today is my 2nd sister's 过大礼的日子. Quite disappoited that i cannot be there!!! Then tomorrow all of them will be heading to Sibu for bride side's reception (fyi, we stay in Miri, but all our relatives are in Sibu. My parents moved to Miri once they married). 6th June will be ROM day, then 14th June will be the actual wedding day. I will be going back to Miri together with Hubby and Anne on 11th June, 10 more days to go. What should i wear on the big day le??? What should Anne wear le???? Haiya....
Now a days, Anne like to bite my shoulder when i carry her... Is this because her gum very very itchi?? But she won't bite my babysitter... Bully mummy only... She has 6 teeth now, 2 at the lower gum and 4 at the upper gum... many people said she start teething very fast... what you think? 9 months with 6 teeth, a lot ka??
See my naughty girl's very naughty face!!! Hahaha....
1st and 2nd June are Sarawak's Gawai Festival, which is public holiday for the state. Emm... i think my family member sure very busy now.. Because today is my 2nd sister's 过大礼的日子. Quite disappoited that i cannot be there!!! Then tomorrow all of them will be heading to Sibu for bride side's reception (fyi, we stay in Miri, but all our relatives are in Sibu. My parents moved to Miri once they married). 6th June will be ROM day, then 14th June will be the actual wedding day. I will be going back to Miri together with Hubby and Anne on 11th June, 10 more days to go. What should i wear on the big day le??? What should Anne wear le???? Haiya....
Now a days, Anne like to bite my shoulder when i carry her... Is this because her gum very very itchi?? But she won't bite my babysitter... Bully mummy only... She has 6 teeth now, 2 at the lower gum and 4 at the upper gum... many people said she start teething very fast... what you think? 9 months with 6 teeth, a lot ka??
See my naughty girl's very naughty face!!! Hahaha....
Thursday, May 25, 2006
See what i did...
Last week, hubby was away for one whole week due to work assignment and training... So everyday after work, i have to rush home first, cook rice or get the rice i cook the day before from frige to get ready for heating later (yes, cook rice only because i order catering food), clean the floor (because Anne loves to kisssss the floor), fold clothes that i wash the night before, wash my breast pump and bottle and take bath.. After i settled everything, then only i will go to my babysitter's place to fetch Anne.
After fetch Anne, I must reach home before 6:30pm because the caterer normally will send the food around 6:35pm - 6:45pm (That's why i rush like a crazy women!!). That day (forgot which day already), i was so tired and plan to change Anne's diaper to get her ready to sleep-mode... before i start changing her diaper, i intend to heat the rice in microwave. So, i quickly place the bowl covered with the cover which i think with rice inside into the microwave and start heating the "rice" inside... then i happily change Anne and play with her... after the caterer send the food, i tot i can happily enjoy my dinner before my little Anne starts making noise and wanna sleep... when i open the cover of the bowl i placed inside the microwave, to my surprise... OMG... i put in the wrong bowl!! So, Anne's toy became like this:

Sorry Anne, if your gum itchy, bite mummy... ok???
p/s: Lesson of the day - Never put toy inside a microwave-able bowl!!!!
After fetch Anne, I must reach home before 6:30pm because the caterer normally will send the food around 6:35pm - 6:45pm (That's why i rush like a crazy women!!). That day (forgot which day already), i was so tired and plan to change Anne's diaper to get her ready to sleep-mode... before i start changing her diaper, i intend to heat the rice in microwave. So, i quickly place the bowl covered with the cover which i think with rice inside into the microwave and start heating the "rice" inside... then i happily change Anne and play with her... after the caterer send the food, i tot i can happily enjoy my dinner before my little Anne starts making noise and wanna sleep... when i open the cover of the bowl i placed inside the microwave, to my surprise... OMG... i put in the wrong bowl!! So, Anne's toy became like this:

Sorry Anne, if your gum itchy, bite mummy... ok???
p/s: Lesson of the day - Never put toy inside a microwave-able bowl!!!!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
20 days to go....
20 more days to go to my 2nd wedding anniversary... This time is a bit different, because we have extra one more person to join in, that is my little Ern Ern.... Hubby starts asking where i want to celebrate it (meaning, where to have a special lunch! All he can think of is about eating!!) Why lunch and not dinner?? Because my little princess will go to bed before 8 pm!!! YES, BEFORE EIGHT!! So, for the time been, we will never can enjoy our dinner slowly.. unless we start eating 5pm lah..... possible ka???
Just got message from my hubby. He will be outstation on our anniversary day... chia lak la.... He now start asking where to go for my first Mother's day lunch pulak!!! Must eat sepuas-puasnya, right??!!?!?!
Just got message from my hubby. He will be outstation on our anniversary day... chia lak la.... He now start asking where to go for my first Mother's day lunch pulak!!! Must eat sepuas-puasnya, right??!!?!?!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Are you clever??!?!
Below are 4 questions. Answer them instantly. You can't take your time. Answer them immediately. No pencil or paper! OK? Let's find out just how smart and clever you really are. Ready? GO!!! Scroll down to start....
FIRST QUESTION: You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?
ANSWER: If you answer that you are first, then you are Absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person And you take his place, you are second! Try not to Screw up in the next question.
To answer the second question, don't take as much time as you took for the first question. (You know you took too much time.)
SECOND QUESTION: If you overtake the last person, then you are...?
ANSWER: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST person?!
THIRD QUESTION: Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.
Take 1000 and add 40 to it.
Now add another 1000.
Now add 30.
Add another 1000.
Now add 20.
Now add another 1000.
Now add 10.
What is the total?
ANSWER: Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100. Don't believe it? Check with your calculator! Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question right?
LAST QUESTION: Mary's father has five daughters: Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono.
What is the name of the fifth daughter?
ANSWER: Nunu? Nana? Nene? NONO! Of course not. The fifth daughter's name is Mary.
Read the question again.
So, how many question you can get the answer correctly?? ^^
FIRST QUESTION: You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?
ANSWER: If you answer that you are first, then you are Absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person And you take his place, you are second! Try not to Screw up in the next question.
To answer the second question, don't take as much time as you took for the first question. (You know you took too much time.)
SECOND QUESTION: If you overtake the last person, then you are...?
ANSWER: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST person?!
THIRD QUESTION: Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.
Take 1000 and add 40 to it.
Now add another 1000.
Now add 30.
Add another 1000.
Now add 20.
Now add another 1000.
Now add 10.
What is the total?
ANSWER: Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100. Don't believe it? Check with your calculator! Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question right?
LAST QUESTION: Mary's father has five daughters: Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono.
What is the name of the fifth daughter?
ANSWER: Nunu? Nana? Nene? NONO! Of course not. The fifth daughter's name is Mary.
Read the question again.
So, how many question you can get the answer correctly?? ^^
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
My first blog!
Thanks for visiting my blog! This is where I'm keeping all my stuff from now on, so come back whenever you want to see what's new. Feel free to post a reply if you see something you like or just want to get in touch.
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