Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I am back...

Last week was on leave for one whole week. Went back to my home town to attend my sister's wedding. Now, i am so tired and lazy to do everything... But, must force myself to put full concentration on my work... Had been away for one week, so many program and testing waiting for me to settle in a week time (because we will start our trial run end of this week). Luckily still manage to finish it!!! Well done to myself!!! hahaha....

After spending one week of sweet time with daddy and mummy, Anne is so "glue" to me now. Every morning, once i pass her to my babysitter, she will start crying pityfully... her face looks so pity and her tears come out so fast... make my "heart broken" to leave her in this situation.. Aiii, what to do? Mummy have to work ma... Sorry Anne...

Mummy miss you so muchhhhyyyy la......

p/s: will blog about our life in Miri in my next post... chiao first!!


mom2ashley said...

awww i know what you mean...quite heartbreaking to leave her in the morning huh?

Egghead said...

wah! one week for a wedding ah? no wonder Anne dun wanna go to babysitter lah!