Saturday, October 13, 2007

PPP: Romance Novels

I do not have a romantic husband. He is kind of a realistic person who some times act like a stone! When I see how other people's husband or boy friend treat them, I feel so envy. I have to hint and hint then only my man will act a little romantic.

Okay, talking about the most romantic experience I have, I think was during our courtship time back in University. That time, I went back to my hometown during semester break for a long 3 months stay. When I came back from my hometown, my that time boy friend (now husband) came to airport to fetch me. When we sat inside his car, he gave me 3 roses. Romantic or not? Not very romantic to you? But, this is the most romantic moment I can think of. Anyway, I still love this man because I believe he shows his care to me and our girl in different way. For example, he will make sure we eat fruits everyday. I think this act also can be a romantic act, right?

For girls, we think that romance in relationshp is important to keep our feeling of love there. I love to read Romance Novels. I think I better think of a way to let my husband read some romance novel here too, so that he can learn some romantic trick there!