Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I am tired!

I am feeling tired. I have been taking care of Anne alone most of the time for nearly one month! Loong is so busy that he is always not at home with us. Even when he is at home, he will be sitting in front of the PC either checking and replying email or writing his proposal! I am getting sick of this kind of life!

At first I thought after he presented his proposal on monday (11 June), then he can spent more time at home. But no, he prefers to attend most of the Ph.D seminar organised by IHE every day among this week. Then, he joined and plan to join some other technical visits with IEM delegates from Malaysia (currently in Netherland for 1 week). He said, those visits very good woh!

Yesterday night came home nearly 2am, went out "drinking" with his friends lah! Not always got friends coming from Malaysia, right? OK-lor. Then, tonight he is at Amsterdam with his friends again, they have a full day program at Amsterdam tomorrow. He said better go over tonight to stay with them so that tomorrow he no need to wake up so early to take the train to Amsterdam! Apa saja lah!! Go lah!! Yes, I am a little bit "beh song"!! Day time already always not at home, now enven night time also not at home! Sienzzz!

I think he is thinking to join the dinner host by one of our Minister from Malaysia who happen to attend a meeting in Netherlands this week. Why so many program happen this week one!!!??!?!?! I NEED A BREAK NOW!!!! NOW!!!!