Wednesday, November 28, 2007
PPP: Free Web Polls for Blogs
Since I started to blog, I like to change the layout of my blog. I play with the code and I will search for different widgets or some code to install to my blog. I want my blog to look nice and unique! Now I actually can create and add a web poll to my blog easily by using Easy-Poll. Their system is designed in a way that I need no database of my own, no additional software or IT support – everything is handled and calculated on their servers – quickly and safely. You even can find a top online slots from the website. I believe this is gonna be fun! Want your to create a special poll for your blog? Do it now!
She needs more friends...
At the Sinterklaas Party, I found that Anne was pretty slow in warming up with other kids. When others were playing together, she would stand a side and watch! Yes, watch only. After I join in and play with the kids, she then only join in. And then slowly she can play with them without me, with condition I am near by. She loves to play with kids, but she is pretty slow in mixing with them. When others already feeling tired, she just started getting high! We need to send her to school so that she can have more friends to play with. She looks pity when she is alone.
PPP: It's shopping time!!
I can't believe that it's year end now. I love year end! Year end means festival season. Year end also mean winter sales will start soon! I need to buy all presents for my friends and family now! I am glad that Coupon Chief is a place I can find a lot of discount coupons. I need it to save more money! :-D
Loong is searching for a new laptop. I think I can get this Dell Coupons for him. As for Anne, she loves Dora the Explorer now. I shall get her related books or toys from Nickelodeon Store using their discount coupons. What should I buy for myself? Let me think first!

Loong is searching for a new laptop. I think I can get this Dell Coupons for him. As for Anne, she loves Dora the Explorer now. I shall get her related books or toys from Nickelodeon Store using their discount coupons. What should I buy for myself? Let me think first!
I fall in love with scrapbooking. I spent a lot of my free time doing scrapbooking and searching for nice paper online. As you can see, I start to slow down in writing blog entry. Not enough time for me to do others thing if I spent most of my free time playing with Photoshop! I just got a new copy of Photoshop CS version 10! I am like addicted to Photoshop now... I love to see all my scrapping in my computer... Hehehe....
PPP: Hotel Reservations
I like to travel. I wish to visit most of the European Country during my 3 years stay in Netherlands. Since I came here, I have communication problem! People here prefer to speak Dutch! I do not know Dutch! That's why I started to shop online. I am glad to find this Hotel Reservations website, where I can make online booking and reservation to hotel in most of the European Country! The best part is, I even can get cheaper room rate from the website! Then I can save my money for other purpose. Great, right?
Sinterklaas Party
We just got back from Sinterklaas Party. Sinterklaas is Dutch People's own Saint. It was a fun event where children can sing and dance together with Sinterklaas and his helper - Black Pieters. Anne got a present from Sinterklaas. It's a Baby Set. She likes it! All children have a present, even adults also get a small present which is an alphabet chocolate. Nice huh! :-D
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
PPP: Holiday to New Zealand
I love to travel. I mentioned many time that if I go for a holiday, I prefer a place which is natural, peaceful and out of the city life. I wish to go to a place where I can let my children run wildly in an open space, not squeezing in a bus or a train. One of my wish is to go for a New Zealand Holidays. New Zealand is famous for her nature environment. How I wish I can go there to enjoy the clean air and relax myself for a city life. May be I should try to book a flights to Wellington from Dialaflight. Dialaflight is a leading independent UK travel company offering flights, hotels & travel ideas worldwide. With Dialaflight, I am sure I can have a great time enjoying my holidays in anywhere in the world!
Looking for cheap holiday deal? Try Dialaflight!
Looking for cheap holiday deal? Try Dialaflight!
Stupid Student!
I must admit that I am a very stupid student in the Dutch class I attend. Main reason is I do not put much efford to learn Dutch! I am sure I will not stay here after Loong graduate, that's why I am so lazy to learn Dutch. I just want to spent my free time wisely! :-P
I want to jot down some Dutch word starting from today. Most of them can count so well already, duh~ why they so hardworking one???
1 - een
2 - twee
3 - drie
4 - vier
5 - vijf
6 - zes
7 - zeven
8 - acht
9 - negen
10 - tien
11 - elf
12 - twaalf
13 - dertien
14 - veertien
15 - vijfien
..... and so on...
20 - twintig
30 - dertig
... and so on...
100 - honderd
200 - tweehonderd
I want to jot down some Dutch word starting from today. Most of them can count so well already, duh~ why they so hardworking one???
1 - een
2 - twee
3 - drie
4 - vier
5 - vijf
6 - zes
7 - zeven
8 - acht
9 - negen
10 - tien
11 - elf
12 - twaalf
13 - dertien
14 - veertien
15 - vijfien
..... and so on...
20 - twintig
30 - dertig
... and so on...
100 - honderd
200 - tweehonderd
Monday, November 19, 2007
PPP: Fountains
We are now staying in an apartment. We do not have a garden. Anne loves to run in the garden downstairs, she loves fountains too. She will look at the water splashing out from a fountain happily. I bet she will jump into the water if I did not stop her from doing so. May be I can consider to intall Wall Fountains for my future new home. I do not think my tomboy girl can jump into a wall foundtain, right?
Geneva's Keyboard
My own cookbook?
I am not a good cook. I was forced to cook after we came to Netherlands. After one year of "training", I start to enjoy cooking. I will look for new recipes online and try it at home. I even will learn new recipes from TV shows!
I prefer to cook Chinese food, not western food. Anyway, in a western country, it's not easy for me to get all the ingredients I need. I always have to change the recipe a bit to suit with the ingredients that I have or I can get here. I must say that cooking is a adventurous work! You have to be brave enough to change the ingredients! I failed a few times, but there were times that the food I cooked turn out to be very nice and special! I wish I can jot down all the food that I had cook for the past one year until the day I go back to work! I hope the book will be thick enough for me to show my children!!
After trying a lot of Taiwan and China recipes, I started to get interested in baking! I am looking for a good Cake Recipes books. I wish I can bake a cake for my husband on his coming birthday! But first... I need to get an oven!! :-D
I prefer to cook Chinese food, not western food. Anyway, in a western country, it's not easy for me to get all the ingredients I need. I always have to change the recipe a bit to suit with the ingredients that I have or I can get here. I must say that cooking is a adventurous work! You have to be brave enough to change the ingredients! I failed a few times, but there were times that the food I cooked turn out to be very nice and special! I wish I can jot down all the food that I had cook for the past one year until the day I go back to work! I hope the book will be thick enough for me to show my children!!
After trying a lot of Taiwan and China recipes, I started to get interested in baking! I am looking for a good Cake Recipes books. I wish I can bake a cake for my husband on his coming birthday! But first... I need to get an oven!! :-D
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Need cash?
Life is unpredictable. You never know what will happen next second and when you need extra cash for emergency usage. I am lucky, because my company does provide cash loan for staffs to apply. Anyway, the procedure can take up to a few weeks to complete and another few days for the money to tranfer into the account. What will happen if someone needs the money urgently?
Normally when we need money, we tend to borrow from friends or family members. Now you have another choice. Same Day Cash is the new generation of payday loan. You might be asking, what's the diffenrent? The main different is, it’s an honest and upfront loan that tells you exactly the amount that you’ll pay for your loan!! You know what you’re signing up for and there’s no any extra administration fee. Your loan can be transferred to your account in just 1 hour. This is what I call - urgent money!
Normally when we need money, we tend to borrow from friends or family members. Now you have another choice. Same Day Cash is the new generation of payday loan. You might be asking, what's the diffenrent? The main different is, it’s an honest and upfront loan that tells you exactly the amount that you’ll pay for your loan!! You know what you’re signing up for and there’s no any extra administration fee. Your loan can be transferred to your account in just 1 hour. This is what I call - urgent money!
Friday, November 16, 2007
No mood to write...
I am so lazy to write! Not that I do not have opps to take, but I just do not like the topics and decided not to take opps that I do not feel like to write. That's why I am writting less.
Weather in Netherlands is getting so cold now. Yesterday, it hitted -2'C in the morning. I remember last year I only started to wear my winter coat arround december. This year, I wear my winter coat as early as end of october! I just wish that I can get my ID ASAP and "fly" back to Malaysia NOW!!!
Weather in Netherlands is getting so cold now. Yesterday, it hitted -2'C in the morning. I remember last year I only started to wear my winter coat arround december. This year, I wear my winter coat as early as end of october! I just wish that I can get my ID ASAP and "fly" back to Malaysia NOW!!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
PPP: Morgage Broker
One of my friend just started to work in Ireland. It's not easy for her as she needs to saparate with her husband who is currently work in another country. I am not sure where she will sattle down finally, but I am sure I will recomment her to look for a Mortgage Broker if she need to get a best mortgage rates. Irish Mortgage Brokers' system is based online, customers can see exactly what their consultants can see at any time day or night. This is definately a very good service!
Big bully or kena bullied!
I used to worry that Anne will be a big bully. Her voice is loud. She is tomboyish. But... Seems like most of the time she is the one who is bullied by other kids, younger than her some more! Today, at the dutch class. The boy who is only 1.5 year old came and try to take away toys that Anne was playing that time. Well, my girl just give up the toy, run toward me and cried! So pitty like that! I must teach my girl to protect herself now. Last week, the boy even tried to cekik my girl!!! So fierce!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
PPP: Romance Novels
Do you like Romance Novels? When I was young, I used to be a reader for romance novels. I could finish one novel in a night! All romance novels have romantic scence. They boy friend or husband was so romantic and good to the girl friend or wife! How I wish to have a romantic husband too. Well, my husband is not a romantic person but my brother in law is a romantic one. I feel happy for my sister as her husband remember every special event which is meaningful for them. He will buy gift for my sister during the special event. Althought the gift is not expensive, but it brings some meaning to them. As for my husband, he would ask me what I want as gift before the date. If I didn't tell him anything, he will buy nothing!!! Ok, enough of complaint about my husband... I am still a happily married woman!! My husband is romantic in his way. He would make sure I eat fruits every day. He is the one who will cut fruits into pieces and remind me to finish it. He is also taking good care of me and our girl. He spends most of his free time at home with us, not going out spending time with his own hobby. I am glad I married him! :-)
Do you love reading Romance Novels? Now you can get a lot of these novel online from Mills & Boon. Enjoy your reading and learn the romantic trick from the story!! Give your love one a BIG surprise!

Do you love reading Romance Novels? Now you can get a lot of these novel online from Mills & Boon. Enjoy your reading and learn the romantic trick from the story!! Give your love one a BIG surprise!
Another problem!!
We noticed some annoying sounds from the roof since the recent strong wind in Netherlands. We suspected maybe due to some roof tiles were swept away by the strong wind. We can clearly hear the rains drop on the suspected area too. Loong informed the incharged person before he went to Geneva. Today, until now still no one come and do any inspection. Well, I just wish that they will fix the problem soon. It's ready noisy when the wind blow!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
PPP: Garage Flooring.
Do you know that you actually can have a very nice looking garage? No more cracked, chipped or stained concrete garage floors! What you need to do is to get help from Car Guy Garage. They are expert in creating an attractive and comfortable environment for your garage floor. Garage flooring tiles are important because its last longer and are easy to install in your garage.
Change the look of you garage by the help from Car Guy Garage!
Change the look of you garage by the help from Car Guy Garage!
PR dropped to 2
Today, after reading some blogger commented that Google had updated the PR again. I itchy hand went and checked my blog's PR. This blog only managed to maintain at PR3 for about 1 week! Now, I have PR2. Nevermind, lower PR mean less writing :-P
Today is the first day for a 4 days without Loong days. So far so good... She is a good girl! :-)
Today is the first day for a 4 days without Loong days. So far so good... She is a good girl! :-)
Friday, November 09, 2007
PPP: Fine designer jewelry
Looking for fine designer jewelry for your wife or girl friend? May be you can try to search for one at At you can find all kind of jewelry designed by famous Bridal Designer. You can trust them because they are serving clients from all over the world since 1969! Now, they even added a new Watches section! Get a watch for your love one in this festive season from! I am sure they will love it!
View from our living room

This is the view from our living room. I like this room because of the view. More things to see and not facing another building or a bicycle shed! Anne can see buses, train and tram from the windows too. As you can see, all trees are turning color... It's autumn, but I feel like it's winter now. Rain will pour any time!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
PPP: Bean Bag Bazaar!
I always wish to find some big and comfortable pillows to put in my living room. I wish we have a comfortable place to rest after one day of working life. Since I read about Bean Bags, I know this is what I am looking for, not big pillow anymore. I am eyeing on this HUGE Kids BAZ BAG 4in1 Bean Bags, it's a Bbranded Stain & Water Resistant Bean Bag Cushion.

Don't you think it looks so comfortable? I believe Anne will love it too! Get one for your children too.

Don't you think it looks so comfortable? I believe Anne will love it too! Get one for your children too.
I want to go Geneva!
Loong will go to Geneva (Switzerland) coming Sunday. I cannot go, because I not yet receive my ID. He will be away for 4 days which mean I need to look after Anne alone for 4 days. Loong suppose to go with one of his co-worker for a workshop there. But something happen, he co-worker is now at Malaysia. He need to explore Geneva alone too... God, please grant me patience when I am alone with Anne...
PPP: Go Live Mobile
Now a days, usage of mobile phone has become so common. Almost everyone will have one mobile, some even have more than one mobile. In my house, we have 7 peoples. My parents and 5 siblings. If all peoples are at home, we have 6 mobilephones plus one landline phone. My father in law even cancelled his landline at home with reason that everyone in the house have a mobilephone.
As you can see, mobile marketing has a very huge market! From young to old, everyone will have one mobile in their pocket. It's important for a company to put efford into mobile marketing or sms marketing so that they are better known among the community. Some times, when we access one company’s website using our mobile phone’s browser, most likely we will see a complete mess. Are your company facing the same complaints from customer about this? Now, you do not need to worry anymore. GoLive! Mobile can help you to solve this problem. GoLive! Mobile offers turn-key packages to get your business a mobile website quickly, professionally, and cost-effectively. Their offering includes building, hosting, and optionally monetizing your WAP site using the latest technologies. You can get a full set of great services from them.
You can read more about Mobilizing Marketing from this article.
As you can see, mobile marketing has a very huge market! From young to old, everyone will have one mobile in their pocket. It's important for a company to put efford into mobile marketing or sms marketing so that they are better known among the community. Some times, when we access one company’s website using our mobile phone’s browser, most likely we will see a complete mess. Are your company facing the same complaints from customer about this? Now, you do not need to worry anymore. GoLive! Mobile can help you to solve this problem. GoLive! Mobile offers turn-key packages to get your business a mobile website quickly, professionally, and cost-effectively. Their offering includes building, hosting, and optionally monetizing your WAP site using the latest technologies. You can get a full set of great services from them.
You can read more about Mobilizing Marketing from this article.
Cloth Diaper.
I read from many blogger mummies that they start using cloth diaper. I want to try too. I started to search more information about Cloth Diaper. I think I would buy a trial package from Mia Bambina. Anne is diaperless during day time. We only let her wear diaper when we go out and night time. Some time, even go out for half an hour, I will let her wear her diaper. I need to throw the used diaper even it's actually only used for half an hour. Feel wasted. That's why I am thinking to try cloth diaper! I will use the money I earned from PPP to buy this!
Monday, November 05, 2007
PPP: BidVertiser
Blogging has become a very common habit. More and more people started to write a blog to serve as their diary, and also as a way to earn side income. Since I will be a stay at home mother for another 2 years, I had decided to start blog for money too. Do you know that you actually can earn quite a decent amount with just a blog? Now, their is another way for you to earn more from your blog.
Do you know what is BidVertiser? BidVertiser offers website owners with the ability to sell their ad space, automatically, to the highest bidder, on a price-per-click basis, where the price is mostly effected by the quality and popularity of their website. Now you can earn money by directing users to signup with BidVertiser. What you need to do is to place a referral button or a text link on your site and you will start to earn money when a user clicks on your button or link and signs as an advertiser or a publisher. Click Here to Signup as a BidVertiser Referral!

Press Release:
BidVertiser is used by tens of thousands of bloggers to make money from their blogs by showing the BidVertiser ppc ads. Anyone can join BidVertiser either as a publisher or an advertiser, but we would like to share a new opportunity that not everyone is aware of:
BidVertiser now opens the the opportunity for bloggers to join as a referral, and as a unique benefit - a $20 coupon of free clicks is included with every referral account! This coupon can be shared and passed on to anyone - by placing a referral button on the blog, by adding the coupon link to a newsletter or even to an RSS feed
Once you signup as a referral, you get your unique referral link which will give $20 in free clicks to anyone that clicks it, adding great value to your blog as well as being a great benefit to your readers. Referral earnings are tracked online in the referral control panel and payments are made monthly, via PayPal or check, with a minimum of only $10.
If you choose to also activate your publisher account, you will also be able to get access to a new set of referral links that will both give your readers $20 in free clicks and will enable them to advertise directly on your blog via BidVertiser, increasing your earnings even more!
Do you know what is BidVertiser? BidVertiser offers website owners with the ability to sell their ad space, automatically, to the highest bidder, on a price-per-click basis, where the price is mostly effected by the quality and popularity of their website. Now you can earn money by directing users to signup with BidVertiser. What you need to do is to place a referral button or a text link on your site and you will start to earn money when a user clicks on your button or link and signs as an advertiser or a publisher. Click Here to Signup as a BidVertiser Referral!
Press Release:
BidVertiser is used by tens of thousands of bloggers to make money from their blogs by showing the BidVertiser ppc ads. Anyone can join BidVertiser either as a publisher or an advertiser, but we would like to share a new opportunity that not everyone is aware of:
BidVertiser now opens the the opportunity for bloggers to join as a referral, and as a unique benefit - a $20 coupon of free clicks is included with every referral account! This coupon can be shared and passed on to anyone - by placing a referral button on the blog, by adding the coupon link to a newsletter or even to an RSS feed
Once you signup as a referral, you get your unique referral link which will give $20 in free clicks to anyone that clicks it, adding great value to your blog as well as being a great benefit to your readers. Referral earnings are tracked online in the referral control panel and payments are made monthly, via PayPal or check, with a minimum of only $10.
If you choose to also activate your publisher account, you will also be able to get access to a new set of referral links that will both give your readers $20 in free clicks and will enable them to advertise directly on your blog via BidVertiser, increasing your earnings even more!
Not going back?
Tell you what? I might not be going back to Malaysia this year end. Yes, I am very disappointed. The worst case will be I need to stay in Netherlands with Anne without Loong because he needs to go back to collect data. I just cannot understand how come they are so slooooooow in processing our appeal of resident permit! According to the procedure, only 6 weeks is needed. Now, almost 3 months still no result.
Seems like I need to spent my winter stuck in Netherlands!
Seems like I need to spent my winter stuck in Netherlands!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
PPP: Exterior home decor
Many people intent to put a lot of efford in their home's interior design. To me, it's also important for us to have a very nice exterior home decor. I feel envy when I see a unique mail box outside a house. I will order one when my new house is ready. I want a special, custom painted mailbox for my house! Besides that, we also can order pretty and nice Address Plaques online from Get your unique mailbox now!
Another Chinese Malaysian is here!
Finally we have another chinese Malaysian join us in Delft. He is also IHE's student, Loong's junior! :-) We will definately try our best to help him sattle down in Delft. Yesterday, we went to Xotus the Asian Shop together and we invited him over for dinner too. I am not a good cook, I hope he did enjoy our simple dinner :-) Anne mix with him well... Hehe... She seldom so sporting one! May be she knows he is Malaysian too.
Friday, November 02, 2007
PPP: Bank Charges Review
We need to deal wiith bank in almost all of money related thingy. I am not good at finance, but Loong is good at it. Some times he would complaint to me about the extra bank charges that we need to pay for certain services. Well, I do not say that bank shouldn't charge us for the services they provide. But, if too much of bank charges will make us feeling like been cheated!
I am glad to know that there is away for us to file all our unfair bank charges for past 6 years! How? Get your help from Keypoint. Keypoint is ready to help its clients fight for their rightful and due entitlement. They also will help you to ensure your refund and interest are correct. The service is provided at no fee. They only will charge a fee of 25% inc VAT (minimum £50) after you have your refund.
I am glad to know that there is away for us to file all our unfair bank charges for past 6 years! How? Get your help from Keypoint. Keypoint is ready to help its clients fight for their rightful and due entitlement. They also will help you to ensure your refund and interest are correct. The service is provided at no fee. They only will charge a fee of 25% inc VAT (minimum £50) after you have your refund.
10 minutes only!
Today, Anne only took 10 minutes nap time! Argkkk... I am so tire now. I need to accompany her most of the time. She dozed off at 1:20pm. At 1:30pm, a fire-engine passed by. She got frighten and woke up. Then she refused to sleep back. She is running behind me now... Like a hyper-active girl. When I asked her wants to sleep or not, she will reply a NO! Let's see she can stand until what time~
Thursday, November 01, 2007
PPP: Time to save!
I hate inflation. Prices for most of our daily products have go up high that we need to find all kind of ways to save our money. It's christmas season, althought I am poor, I still want to get a present for my love one. I really needa help from Save Buckets now! Save Buckets is a new price comparason site. They help you to search for products within your budget! Try it now.
Press Release:
- New price saving site launches to save Brits up to 20% this Christmas -
As the nation approaches the final countdown to Christmas, new research rings alarm bells over the financial impact of Christmas in credit crunch Britain. The research from the new money saving website reveals that as Brits prepare for Christmas, many are still paying off last year’s festive spending.
With 41 per cent of Britons paying for Christmas on credit last year, almost one in five are still paying for last year’s festivities (17%), fewer than one in three having cleared their Christmas debts when their January credit card bill arrived (29%).
Following a year of consumer confidence in 2006, Christmas spending soared 52 per cent in two years (from an average £548 per adult in 2004* to £837 per adult in 2006), with over one in five Brits spending over £1,000 on Christmas last year (22%). This year, with spending power at its lowest level for 10 years**, consumers are feeling the financial hangover from a more confident Christmas enjoyed on the credit card and loans.
Alarmingly, it is cash strapped youngsters and low income earners who, having spent the most on last Christmas, are most likely to be feeling the repercussions of last year’s spending spree (see figures below).
The research into the financial impacts of last Christmas amongst a GB representative sample of 2,000 British adults was carried out by the new money savings website which launches this week to enable Brits to get more for their money this Christmas.
With these alarming figures in mind, will give shoppers the opportunity to save up to 20% on their Christmas shopping. Putting consumers back in control of their spending, the site searches over 700 retailers for the best price on around one million products. The site includes a unique price checker which allows consumers to set the price they want to pay for items, notifying them when the price of a product falls to within their budget.
Press Release:
- New price saving site launches to save Brits up to 20% this Christmas -
As the nation approaches the final countdown to Christmas, new research rings alarm bells over the financial impact of Christmas in credit crunch Britain. The research from the new money saving website reveals that as Brits prepare for Christmas, many are still paying off last year’s festive spending.
With 41 per cent of Britons paying for Christmas on credit last year, almost one in five are still paying for last year’s festivities (17%), fewer than one in three having cleared their Christmas debts when their January credit card bill arrived (29%).
Following a year of consumer confidence in 2006, Christmas spending soared 52 per cent in two years (from an average £548 per adult in 2004* to £837 per adult in 2006), with over one in five Brits spending over £1,000 on Christmas last year (22%). This year, with spending power at its lowest level for 10 years**, consumers are feeling the financial hangover from a more confident Christmas enjoyed on the credit card and loans.
Alarmingly, it is cash strapped youngsters and low income earners who, having spent the most on last Christmas, are most likely to be feeling the repercussions of last year’s spending spree (see figures below).
The research into the financial impacts of last Christmas amongst a GB representative sample of 2,000 British adults was carried out by the new money savings website which launches this week to enable Brits to get more for their money this Christmas.
With these alarming figures in mind, will give shoppers the opportunity to save up to 20% on their Christmas shopping. Putting consumers back in control of their spending, the site searches over 700 retailers for the best price on around one million products. The site includes a unique price checker which allows consumers to set the price they want to pay for items, notifying them when the price of a product falls to within their budget.
This is to jot down that I had finished another Hong Kong series :-P I like this drama, talking about love between father and son!
閔天賜(歐陽震華飾)是C J Thomson市場調查公司的調查經理,一個名副其實的品質價格專家。閔認為人生中最高風險的投資,並非期指、窩輪,而是生兒育女!因為教養一個兒女,動輒需款四百萬,倒頭來教養不善成「不肖兒」,一切便化為烏有。因而閔雖離婚了,尚慶幸無兒無女,樂得逍遙自在,其後更重遇舊女友周海嵐(向海嵐飾),愛火重燃…

Story line:
閔天賜(歐陽震華飾)是C J Thomson市場調查公司的調查經理,一個名副其實的品質價格專家。閔認為人生中最高風險的投資,並非期指、窩輪,而是生兒育女!因為教養一個兒女,動輒需款四百萬,倒頭來教養不善成「不肖兒」,一切便化為烏有。因而閔雖離婚了,尚慶幸無兒無女,樂得逍遙自在,其後更重遇舊女友周海嵐(向海嵐飾),愛火重燃…
閔與生父緣薄,卻與別人的父親——高志添(夏雨飾)結下一段湯麵情緣。自從閔父棠離去後,閔母為口奔馳,早出晚歸,而十歲的閔正值發育時期,為了飽肚,閔只能叫淨麵加底。麵檔老闆(添)知閔生活艱苦,往往在淨麵上另加數粒牛丸而不收錢。另一般人只會在牛丸上劃十字花,但添則會劃一個笑臉圖案,笑語是自己獨創的‘開心牛丸’。 閔與添感情日深,閔戲稱添為「湯麵契爺」,到閔十五歲,添不告而別,從旁人口中得知添已回香港,閔失落。一次機緣,閔重遇這個湯麵契爺。原來添當年突然離去,是因為妻子病逝,趕回香港料理後事,從此獨自負起照顧兒子的責任。
閔與生父緣薄,卻與別人的父親——高志添(夏雨飾)結下一段湯麵情緣。自從閔父棠離去後,閔母為口奔馳,早出晚歸,而十歲的閔正值發育時期,為了飽肚,閔只能叫淨麵加底。麵檔老闆(添)知閔生活艱苦,往往在淨麵上另加數粒牛丸而不收錢。另一般人只會在牛丸上劃十字花,但添則會劃一個笑臉圖案,笑語是自己獨創的‘開心牛丸’。 閔與添感情日深,閔戲稱添為「湯麵契爺」,到閔十五歲,添不告而別,從旁人口中得知添已回香港,閔失落。一次機緣,閔重遇這個湯麵契爺。原來添當年突然離去,是因為妻子病逝,趕回香港料理後事,從此獨自負起照顧兒子的責任。
高因添未好好栽培自己而耿耿於懷,故對女兒教育倍加著緊,結識了女兒的課餘學習中心的導師,也是金的表妹——羅四喜(楊怡飾)。四是兒童教育中心的導師,為搏工作表現而顯得有愛心有耐性,實則只是當作「一份工」。四同時兼多職,日間算是為人師表,同時兼職網上拍賣交易員,晚上又是「啤酒妹」一名。高得悉後,恐怕四會對女兒有影響,大興問罪之師。惟了解後,方知四之所以要千方百計賺錢,背後亦有她的故事。原來四努力賺錢,希望實現海員父親遺願,與其母李帶彩(韓瑪利飾)環遊世界看日落…高得知四的拚命賺錢原因,對四觀感大改,更在貝牽線下,暗生情愫; 但中間又出現呂家么兒家聲(黎諾懿飾)因一時意氣力追喜…此時高前妻突然回來,爭取女兒的撫養權,高堅拒,並謂即使告上法庭,也必和詩相爭! 結果,出人意表地…
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