Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Stupid Student!

I must admit that I am a very stupid student in the Dutch class I attend. Main reason is I do not put much efford to learn Dutch! I am sure I will not stay here after Loong graduate, that's why I am so lazy to learn Dutch. I just want to spent my free time wisely! :-P

I want to jot down some Dutch word starting from today. Most of them can count so well already, duh~ why they so hardworking one???

1 - een
2 - twee
3 - drie
4 - vier
5 - vijf
6 - zes
7 - zeven
8 - acht
9 - negen
10 - tien
11 - elf
12 - twaalf
13 - dertien
14 - veertien
15 - vijfien
..... and so on...

20 - twintig
30 - dertig
... and so on...

100 - honderd
200 - tweehonderd


Rebecca Mecomber said...

I see that the Dutch is very similar to English (with a dash of German).

I live in New York State, which was settled by the Dutch. (I am of Dutch heritage, too!) So we in New York are very familiar with Dutch names and some of the language.

Like, our Catskill Mountains was named after Jacob Kaat and his kil (creek). This became Kaat's kil, and then Catskill. It has nothing to do with cats!

Anyway, enjoy your stay in Holland. I would love to travel there. It is great that you live their for the sake of your husband. :)