Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I feel like a failure!

Today, a Malaysian requested me to take care of her 2nd son for 10 munites. She needed to go out to fetch her first son back from school. Normally, her husband will fetch the son. But today, he got an emergency meeting to attend. The wife asked me to look after the son while she cycle to the school and fetch the first son. From the second I start carried the baby (11 months old), he was crying until the mother came back from the school with the big brother. I tried every toys, all kind of tactic... No use. Even Anne also try to sayang the baby, but he just refused to STOP! I feel like a failure. Can't even stop the baby from crying for one munites. Duh~

BUT, I am happy to see Anne sayang the boy a lot! She is willing to share all her toy with the boy!


KK and WS said...

i think the boy can tell you are not his mummy...that's why keep on crying...