Friday, September 14, 2007

RM: Halloween Costume

In Malaysia, we do not celebrate Halloween. We do not need to search for Halloween Costume every year for our children. But, deep inside my heart I love the concept of trick and treat. Children can go around door by door at their neighbourhood to get sweets. It is FUN! Some more can train my girl to be brave and not afraid to strangers.

This year is our 2nd Halloween in Netherlands. Last year we just arrived in Netherlands, we had too much things to settle than celebrating Halloween here. Besides, last year Anne was too young to join the fun of trick and treat. This year, I am not sure whether I will let Anne join trick and treat with other kids here but I started to love all those Halloween Costume I see when I was shopping. I started to imagine how I want to dress my girl. People always says that she looks like a boy, I am thinking to dress her like a fairy princess. I want to show everyone that my girl is a pretty girl!

Looking for kid's Halloween Costume? Ever consider a NFL uniform from Franklin Sports for a Halloween costume? Kids, especially BOYs love them! It will be fun to see a team of mini NFL going around for trick and treat!