Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Montessori Online Course

The course started on 1st March. Till today, I only managed to finish Practical Life Part 1. How come my production so low already? I think the main reason is because I don't like to read "online book" and I do not have a printer to print out the material given! Duh~~ I feel bad! I am wasting my money (althought not much!)! I did think of to ask Loong to use his office's printer to print out for me... But, he is already so busy and tension with his study and proposal... See how la...

Anyway, I hope I can decipline myself to read the material according to the timeline from today onward!! If not, how am I going to get back to my work place after 2.5 years? Lazy edi!!! Yes, so fast I already spent 1/6 of my 3 years unpaid-leaves. Decipline!! Decipline!!!! Let my brain work more!!! I must make myself think more, read more and work more (besides taking care of Anne). Ahhh...

BTW, today we we have sun-shiny day again! :-)