Monday, March 12, 2007

Winter is ending!!!!

Today we have sun-shiny day! The temperature as recorded was up to 16'C during day time and 3'C at night. I don't mind that night time only 3'C because I will be staying in my warm house for the whole night. But I am so happy to see bright sun-shine after 3 months of most-of-the-time-dark-and-cloudy-day. I think the winter will be over soon and SPRING is coming!! Yes! Yes! Yes! Finally it's almost spring now! I want to go gai-gai with my girl without wrapping ourselves like a ball. I want to see all trees with green leafs. I want to see flowers specially TULIP!!! AAAAHHHHHhh... So good to see sun-shine! Yipeeeee...

Took this picture of my flowers this morning. See, outside was SOOOO bright edi when I got up from my bed (8:00am, today got up late because Anne woke up at 3+am and only went back to sleep at 6am).