... And, enjoy your holiday!!!
Coke zero

Together with the launching Coke Zero, the company is organizing this Coke zeros campaign “Life as it should be” is real fun on the Internet. What you need to do is to direct your own small movie and afterwards send it to all your friends. Besides, Coke has found some old b/w film clips that you are allowed to manipulate it according to what you want. Afterwards your movie will compete with other movies to be the highest rated! Sound fun, isn't it? Come and join the fun at http://www.zeroismore.com/.
PPP: What is Betws-y-Coed?
When I first saw the picture, I fall in love with the place at first sight. So pretty, so nature! Betws-y-Coed is a popular tourist attraction to Hill walkers, mountaineers, climbers, photographers, artists , and anone who enjoys spectacular scenery. Here is one of the most popular tourist attractions, the highest mountain in Wales.
Looking for a nice place for your holiday? This is the one!
A small achivement!
PPP: Fun blog
How to reserve a post in PPP?
PPP: Hypnosis
Sleep! Sleep!!
PPP: Interesting Event Websites
Imagine that you are considering attending this MHGS Conferences, you have received an email directing you to the website where you can register for, and find more information about the event. If you were to land on this site, what would your reaction be? I think the website's layout is neat and tidy. I can find all related information, for example the title, the speaker, venue, date, time, summary, fees and schedule of the conference easily from the website. The pictures shown also very related to the topic of the conference "THE WOUNDED HEART ". Most importantly you know where to post your question if you have one, the email! And, Conference Registration Forms is just one click away. Simple and easy!
Anyway, if I was the web designer, I think I will choose another background color as gray will make people feel down if compared with other "lighter" color like pink or yellow.
Looking for a simple and easy way to create a nice event website for your company, try RegOnline, you will like it!
I want to praise Pos Malaysia!
Guess how long it takes for the parcel to reach here? You are not going to believe this. 3 days!!! Tiga hari!!! Can you believe this? 3 days for a parcel to reach here from Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia to Delft, Netherlands. I cannot believe my eyes when I saw the collect-slip send by the postman here today. This is such an excellent sevice I have ever get from Post Malaysia. I am extremely surprised!
PPP: Mint credit cards
Handphone Radiation
This morning I heard a sad real story from my colleague. She told me one ofher friend always miscarriage when the baby 2-3 months old for few timescontinuously in few years time. The couple went to check with many doctorsand lastly one of the doctor check on the death baby and found out thebaby's body cells keeping die when baby growing up until he/she cannot besurvived. This is because her uterus has been affected by HANDPHONE radiotion. The doctor told she has no chance to get baby no matter howbecause the radiotion affected her uterus which the major portion of heruterus cells already death, cannot carry healthy baby. All this because ofshe has been keeping her handphone in her working jacket which the positionjust right to the uterus positon for few years time. Please beware and takenote the consequences is not worth.
Dearest family members, please do not overlook the handphone radiationwhich will affect our health or body organs. Please put away your handphonewhen ever you don't need it much. Guys, please do not keep your handphonenear to the kidney position and pants pocket as this will hurt and affectyour "production" if you plan to get baby.
The other doctor also advice another friend to keep away handphone to hernew born baby to avoid radiotion to baby's brain and cells. Do not let thebaby or toddler play with the handphone for long time. Because the smallyoung baby or toddler still very fragile and most probably they cannot takethe radiotion.
Please remind yourself do not sleep together with your handphone or putnext to your bed. Keep away any other electronic goods (such as tv also)which got radiotion away from your bedroom to reduce risk as we have tosleep few hours a day in our bedroom at night. Do not think that you switchoff the TV it will be no radiotion actually it is still around in your roomjust not eyes visible. Even the small alarm clock not to be advised to putjust next to your head while sleeping.
Care about yourself and people that you love.
PPP: I want a Watch!
So tired!
Anyway, during the potty training session, I changed her quite often. The result is, she learn to wear pants by herself. Not success all the time, but at least some time she will success! It' fun to see her try to wear pants by herself! :-)
What are you waiting for? Get yourself a blog and join me to blog for money!
PPP: Home Improvement.
One of my blogger friend are searching for some home remodeling idea because she would like to remodel her old house. When she told me about her idea on her house, I started to start imagine about my dream house. If I can afford a house, I will definately opt for a landed property. I wish my children will have a largerer area to play.
While searching on home improvement related idea, I am so surprise to find this site and read about the fact that "The best way to reduce traffic noise is actually to break up the sound waves.". One of the idea given is by put up a sturdy fence, or just can plant some trees. Yes, just trees. What a cheap way. I belief I can find more great information from the site.
Looking for home improvement ideas? Why not get your idea here as well?
Billy Beer Restaurant.

This restaurant is decorated with a lot of teddy bears, children will love this place.
I ordered Ribeye steak - €16.50, oranged juice - €2.50 and Loong ordered Mixed fish platter, beer - €2.00 - €14.20. Total we spent that night - €35.20.
My Ribeye steak:
Loong's Mixed fish platter:
Our bill came together with there sweets! :-) The food just normal, but Anne enjoyed eating french fried that normally I would not allow her to eat so much!
PPP: Missionary travel agency
After I graduated from University, before I started my first work which requested me to join 2 weeks after my graduation, I decided to go for a missionary trip to a small village in Pahang - Kuala Lipis. This was an memorable one week missionary trip for me. All of us were from the same fellowship - Chuan Ai Fellowship and we had the same mission, that is to help the church in Kuala Lipis to spread Jesus's love to local people. In our country, we do not have a Missionary travel agency, we need to plan our journey, our program and our lodging by ourself. We were students, we cannot afford high cost. How I wish we could have this kind of Missionary travel agency which can help us to find the cheapest missionary flights for us so we can save the money to use in other purpose.
Planning for a missionary trip? You can find a lot of useful information at Golden Rule Travel. You can read some touching testimonials on Missionary and Testimonials page. Workers are ready to help by on their cell phone service 24/7. They offer a full range of travel services to individuals, church groups, NGOs, humanitarian agencies, and missionary organizations. I remember that it is very important to save every cents we spent during the trip, especially on travel expenses. Golden Rule Travel even have special contracts with airlines for missionaries, so that you can get the lowest possible airfare.
How I wish our country can have this kind of Missionary travel agency. With this kind of services available, we can put more efford in our program than spending time looking for a cheap fare.
"When God's Call Sends You Around The World, A Call To Golden Rule Travel Will Take You There."
Sorry Anne...
When I think back what I had done, I feel that I have very low EQ. Why should I get angry with a toddler who just started her potty training process few days ago? I wrote this down is to remind myself not to put high standard on my girl. I wish she can have a happy toddlerhood not always scold by mother only! OK, I will try my best to control my temper next time!
PPP: British Gas Launches Greenest Energy Tariff
Due to global climate change, some of the country has started to put more effort to become an environmentally friendly country. Main intention is to ensure safety of any natures. Recently, British Gas has announced it is launching two new green energy tariffs, Zero Carbon, which will be the greenest tariff available on the domestic market and Future Energy. Consumers signing up to the tariff can be confident that they are getting 12 per cent more renewable energy than they would otherwise have got. For more information, you can have a look at the press release attached.
Press Release:
9 August 2007: British Gas has announced it is launching two new green energy tariffs, Zero Carbon, which will be the greenest tariff available on the domestic market and Future Energy. British Gas has launched the tariffs, in response to the increasing demand for green energy products.
Householders signing up to the Zero Carbon tariff will:
- reduce their household energy carbon emissions to zero through Kyoto compliant offset schemes which will meet the new Defra requirements
- help fund a direct increase in investment in renewable energy generated in the UK
- contribute to the new British Gas green fund which will:
- invest in developing new renewable technologies such as wave power
- oversee a programme to help schools in the UK reduce their CO2 emissions
Gearóid Lane, Managing Director British Gas New Energy said,”Our new tariff responds to consumer demand for truly green energy solutions. It is essential that customers have confidence in green energy tariffs and that their credibility is not damaged by tariffs that claim to be green but in reality do not deliver any incremental environmental benefits. Green tariffs are moving from niche to mainstream products and we’re leading the industry by offering a tariff that will do more for the environment than any other product currently available.”
Under the government’s Renewables Obligation (RO), electricity suppliers in the UK are already required to produce an increasing percentage of their electricity through methods such as wind farms which, unlike traditional power plants, produce zero carbon emissions. For 2007/2008 this figure is set at 7.9%.
In a recent report, the National Consumer Council (NCC) raised concerns that some energy suppliers are packaging electricity which is produced under the RO scheme as “green”, yet it delivers no additional environmental benefits. The NCC called on energy suppliers to take steps beyond their legal requirements and offer green energy tariffs that provide genuine additional environmental benefits, in particular CO2 emissions reduction.
British Gas worked with Global Action Plan and The Climate Group’s “We’re in this Together” campaign to develop Zero Carbon which goes further than any other green tariff in meeting these requirements offering consumers the only zero carbon option on the market.
The tariff carries a premium of £84 per year, reflecting the higher cost of producing energy through lower carbon emission schemes.
Virginia Graham, Chair of Global Action Plan, said, “The British Gas Zero Carbon tariff delivers on all three of the essential requirements of a green tariff which are: additionality, transparency and verifiability. As such it is a very welcome new offering in the market. Consumers signing up to the tariff can be confident that they are getting 12 per cent more renewable energy than they would otherwise have got. The carbon emissions from their electricity and gas will also be offset with emissions reductions from projects accredited by the United Nations.”
Zero Carbon is one of the first initiatives launched through the ‘We’re in this Together’ campaign, which was launched in April 07 as an alliance of some of the UK’s biggest brands who are all working to help their customers reduce their impact on the climate.
Dr Steve Howard, CEO of The Climate Group and founder of ‘We’re in this Together’ said, “We’re committed to offering people ways to make a real impact on climate change through Together.com. We’ve worked with British Gas to ensure that Zero Carbon is a genuine step forward in delivering more environmental benefits than any other tariff currently available.”
British Gas’s second green energy tariff, Future Energy, offers an alternative green electricity tariff at a premium of just £20 per year. Customers signing up to this tariff will contribute to a green fund which will provide solar panels and other renewable energy technologies to UK schools. Money from the fund will also be invested in development of future renewable technologies and sources.
To sign up customers can call British Gas on 0845 604 0055 or visit www.britishgas.co.uk
Five Flavored Squid
- 250g fresh squid
- 1 pc young ginger
- 2 gloves garlic
- 1 red chilis and 3 chili padi
- some lettuce (for garnish)
- 2 tbsp tomato sauce
- 1 tbsp chili sauce
- 1 tbsp vinegar
- 1 tbsp sugar
- dash of salt
- Clean and scale the squid, then cross cut the surface and slice into wide strips.
- Blanch squid in boiling water and then soak in ice water till cold, drain.
- Chopped young ginger, garlic and chilies.
- Mixes chopped ingredients with the sauce ingredients and toss with squid, place on top of lettuce and serve.
Recipe from Oriental Crusine April 2007. Try this dish, it's very appetizing! But the picture I took look not that good... My camera's problem... :-D
PPP: Drug Rehab Referral Service
I belief most of us do not like drug. Drug won't kill you immediately, but it will slowly bring you to dead. You will lost control of yourself and you will hurt your loved one badly. Once you got started, you can't stop. It is so pain to see your beloved family members or friends lost control because of drug abuse.
It's a pain in heart to see loved ones suffer from a drug or alcohol problem. If I see one of them, I always wish that I can help them personally. I have a friend who has a cousin suffered form drug abuse. She is a brave girl I must say. She helped her auntie to find a suitable Drug Rehab for her cousin, accompany her auntie to visit her cousin every month until her cousin was fully recover from drug abuse. A good drug rehab is very important to help those who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, dual diagnosis, and chronic relapse clients. As I know, most of the drug rehab is a non-profit organization. Their main intention is to help give addiction treatment to those who wish to wean themselves from drug or alcohol addiction.
Anyway, it is not an easy task to find the right drug rehab. 1-800-NODRUGS.com is a drug rehabilitation referral service that charge no-cost to you, their service designed to help drug addicts, alcoholics, chronic relapse victims, and their families to find an effective drug rehab and intervention for alcoholism and drug addiction of the highest quality at no cost. There are a lot of Drug Rehab out there, it is a daunting task or I should say "a mission impossible" for you to go one by one and do a survey on which one suit you. 1-800-NODRUGS.com Drug Rehab Referral Services know all drug treatment centers in the nation. They can arrange and place your loved one in the drug rehab center most appropriate for them at no charge.
Just Call Now! Talk to the Most Experienced Drug Rehab Counselors.
The Secret to a Lasting Marriage
When I was a little girl, my mom liked to make breakfastfood for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night inparticular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work.
On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage,and extremely burned toast in front of my dad. I remember waiting tosee if anyone noticed! Yet, all my dad did was reached for his toast, smiled at my mom, and asked me how my day was at school.
I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite! When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the toast. And I'll never forget what he said: "Baby, I love burned toast."
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Debbie, your mommy put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides, a little burnt toast never hurt anyone!"
In bed that night, I thought about that scene at dinner... and the kindness my daddy showed my mom. To this day, it's a cherished memory from my childhood that I'll never forget. And it's one that came tomind just recently when Jack and I sat down to eat dinner.
I had arrived home late... as usual... and decided we would have breakfast food for dinner. Some things never change, I suppose!
To my amazement, I found the ingredients I needed, and quickly beganto cook eggs, turkey sausage, and buttered toast. Thinking I had things under control, I glanced through the mail for the day. It was only a few minutes later that I remembered that I had forgotten to take the toast out of the oven!
Now, had it been any other day -- and had we had more than two pieces of bread in the entire house -- I would have started all over. But it had been one of those days and I had just used up the last two piecesof bread. So burnt toast it was!
As I set the plate down in front of Jack, I waited for a comment aboutthe toast. But all I got was a "Thank you!" I watched as he ate bite by bite, all the time waiting for some comment about the toast. But instead, all Jack said was, "Babe, this is great. Thanks for cooking tonight. I know you had a hard day."
As I took a bite of my charred toast that night, I thought about my mom and dad...how burnt toast hadn't been a deal-breaker for them. And I quietly thanked God for giving me a marriage where burnt toast wasn't a deal-breaker either!
You know, life is full of imperfect things...and imperfect people. I'm not the best housekeeper or cook. And you might be surprised to findout that Jack isn't the perfect husband! He likes to play his music too loud, he will always find a way to avoid yard work, and he watches far too many sports. Believe it or not, watching " Golf Academy " is not my idea of a great night at home!
But somehow in the past 37 years Jack and I have learned to accept the imperfections in each other. Over time, we have stopped trying to make each other in our own mold and have learned to celebrate our differences.You might say that we've learned to love each other for who we really are!
For example, I like to take my time, I'm a perfectionist, and I'm even-tempered. I tend to work too much and sleep too little. Jack, onthe other hand, is disciplined, studious, an early riser, and is a marketer's dream consumer. I count pennies and Jack could care less! Where he is strong, I am weak, and vice versa.
And while you might say that Jack and I are opposites, we're also very much alike. I can look at him and tell you what he's thinking. I can predict his actions before he finalizes his plans. On the other hand, he knows whether I'm troubled or not the moment I enter a room.
We share the same goals. We love the same things. And we are still best friends. We've traveled through many valleys and enjoyed many mountain tops. And yet, at the same time, Jack and I must work every minute of every day to make this thing called "marriage" work!
What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other's faults - and choosing to celebrate each other's differences - is the one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting marriage relationship.
And that's my prayer for you today. That you will learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your married life and lay them at the feet of GOD. Because in the end, He's the only One who will be able to give you a marriage where burnt toast isn't a deal-breaker!
Have a great day! May God bless your marriage.
PPP: Dialaflight Canada
When I plan for a holiday, I would like to make sure that everything are pre-book before I reach the destination. I do not want to have situation like cannot find a suitable hotel to stay, do not know how to go to a place, do not know what to do next. That's why I prefer to search online for all the travel information before I start my journey!
Currently I am looking for Holiday Offers to Canada. To make sure that I can enjoy my holidays in Canada, I start to search for more related information online. I am glad I found this Dialaflight. They are offering a lot of cheap flights worldwide including flights to Canada. Besides that, Dialaflight as a leading independent UK travel company also offering hotels, car hired, travel insurance & travel ideas worldwide. They have been in business for 25 years and I am sure they can secure the best travel industry rates available.
Looking for a travel package to Canada? Why not book with DialAFlight. What you need to do is call and speak with one of their UK travel consultants who will ensure that your requirements are fulfilled. You can get a tailor-made holiday is exactly as you want it!
Anyway, if the money is not meant for me then it's not for me. I sakit hati also no use... But, at least I see the post.. I think I better go wait for the $50 post or today is just not my day!!!
Anyway... there is one improment on the progress of potty train my girl. Today is the first time she pees inside her potty! Well, I think that one was also because I am lucky. But, she pees a little bit only. After 15 minutes, she pees again... on the floor... Later of the day... all on the floor... Yeah... my house is very smelly now... don't come!
PPP: Storage Bed
In Netherlands, most of the houses here do not have a large squarefeet. The student apartment that we are renting also not large enough. I always find that it is so hard for me to find a place to keep things that is not oftenly in use. As you know, we have 4 seasons in Netherlands. We need to have clothes for different seasons. It is hard for me to find a proper place to keep our clothes espeacially winter coat which need a big space to keep. How I wish I can have a under bed storage or even better, a king bed with storage so that I can keep some of the winter coat nicely under my bed!
Looking for a bedroom set? Don't you think the storage bed features at http://furniturefromhome.com/ is a great product? This platform bookcase bed with plenty of storage, dresser, mirror, night stand package is not only beautiful, but it has a price made for the books! Plenty of additional storage space within the bed frame is a unique find that is greatly sought after. Most importantly, it made from quality hardware, solid wood! I am sure your lover will love to come home earlier to enjoy the comfortable rest on a quality bed!
What you think?
I don't care. I don't want to care so much! I have decided to potty train Anne now!! NOW!!! Wish me good luck, ok?

PPP: Tech/lifestyle blog
Do you find it interesting to read other's blog? I enjoy reading parenthood blog and also blog talking about lifestyle. I do not have the luxury to blog hop during weekday as my daugther is a high demand toddler who will insist me to be with her most of the time. I can start enjoy myself on weekend as my husband will be at home, leave his reseach aside, spending time with our daugther and let me have a break. Then I can have more time to read some interesting parenthood blog, may be also this tech/lifestyle blog : A Cool Friday!
Books to read.
- The Discovery of the Child
- The Absorbent Mind
Both are written by Maria Montessori. I have yet to receive the books, I wish I will enjoy reading these books. First book cost me GBP2.00 as someone bid for the book as well. For the 2nd book, it only cost me GBP0.99. BUT! The postage for these 2 books are wayyyyy expensive than the book itself. I paid GBP6.83 for postage!!! So expensive eh! Anyway, I do not think I can find these books here and I paid using my PPP money mah. So, OK lah!!!
Total money spent: £9.37 GBP = $19.44 USD (1 U.S. Dollar = 0.482097 Pounds Sterling)
Updated on 15/08/2007
Ebay seller refunded £1.40 to me because standard airmail which worked out to be cheaper than the original quote. I must say he is a nice seller!
PPP: Aluminum Cabinets
Unlike steel, aluminum will not rust or deteriorate when exposed to moisture. Unlike wood, aluminum is resistant to mold, mildew and corrosion.
Would you put aluminum cabinets line in your kitchen? I think I will because aluminum is a good and last for long material which is very suitable for kitchen. I love solid wood, so I will choose brown color as my kitchen's main color. Most importantly, aluminum cabinet is very easy to clean. When you cook, you cannot avoid your kitchen become oily (especially chinese that cook with wok). If your kitchen cabinet is an aluminium cabinet, you just need a piece of cloth to mop the surface of the cabinet after you have done your cooking. Not like other material, eg. wood which will look so ugly and difficult to clean when cover by a layer of sticky oil.
So, will you consider to put aluminium cabinets in your kitchen?
PPP: Portable Scanner
Talking about scanner make me think of my first scanner. Not mine, actually. That scanner belongs to Loong (that time still my boy friend). I need a scanner to scan some pictures on brouchers for my thesis purpose. Believe or not, the scanner is still our one and only scanner until now. It keeps in a store room for a long time already because We only will use it once in a blue moon. Since we moved from JB to KL, we didn't even take it out from the box, install it and use it. Why? This is a good question. Because I am too lazy to take it out from the box and find a place to put it and install it. The worst part is, after I use it I have to put it back into the box and put it back into our store room. Our computer table do not have enough space for this scanner. In another word - our scanner is HUGE! It need a BIG space to locate it! How I wish I can have a light and portable scanner.
I was surprise when I first found out about this ScanShell 2000N (2000NR) portable document scanner. The ScanShell 2000N (2000NR) portable scanner is the ideal A4 color scanner for the busy professionals and executives. This light weight (only 14oz/390g) and convenient scanner is powered using only the USB 2.0 port allows for a fast and easy one-cable hook up to your notebook or desktop PC. More importantly, it is conveniently carried along with a laptop and requires a minimal footprint on the desktop. Besides that, ScanShell 2000N (2000NR) also enables users to fax, email and organize all of business documents, with the "touch of a button".
Bundled software - DocShell is an easy to use utility that scan documents and export the scanned image into existing, pre-installed application on the user's pc (PDF,Microsoft paint etc.). The scanned document can be saved to one of the following image types: BMP, JPG, TIF, PSD, PCX, PNG or TGA. With the utility provided, I believe you will become more professional in imaging.
Looking for a portable scanner? You can read more about ScanShell 2000N (2000NR) here!

PPP: Advance Restaurant Finance
Advance Restaurant Finance, in short ARF is a business loans for small to medium-sized merchants. If you own a restaurant which has strong performance, ARF is willing to help to expand your business financially. ARF is able to secure lending where most banks stop, while allowing you to retain control of your business and meet your business’s goals.
Want to learn more about doing business with ARF? Just click here!
I am watching 岁月风云

So far I watched until episode 18. I am not that addicted (I can control myself now), I think Loong is much addicted than me! Anyway, we cannot watch too fast like other series which we have full set before we start watching. This time, we have to wait to watch the next episode. We can get full set but speak in mandarin. We prefer to watch slowly but in cantonese! :)
PPP: Star Craft
Do you play starcraft? If you like PC games, I am sure you know starcraft! My brother and my husband are 2 starcraft fansee. I must warn you, it's OK if you didn't play it. Once you started to play, you can't stop!
There was once that I was so mad with Loong because he prefer to spent his time in front of PC fighting with starcraft than spending the time with me! I don't mind a person play with any PC game, but, one must know the limit! You can play if you know how to control yourself, manage your time and watch your health!
Anyway, you can find a lot of starcraft & starcraft 2 from this website: http://www.creepcolony.com/. I hope my brother and my husband will not read this post, else, they will be addicted again!
The Manager's Way.
A team of Managers was given an assignment to measure the height of aflagpole. So the Managers go out to the flagpole with ladders and tape.They're falling off the ladders, dropping the tape measures - the wholething is just a mess.
An Engineer comes along and sees what they're trying to do, walks over,pulls the flagpole out of the ground, lays it flat, measures it from end toend, gives the measurement to one of the managers and walks away.
After the Engineer has gone, one manager turns to another and laughs. "Seethis idiot. We're looking for height and he gives the length!"
Moral: "No matter what good you do, Managers can always find fault in you".
Manager, are you reading?? This is only a joke, ok?
PPP: Belisi.com
All women loves to be beautiful. Who doesn't? Even my 23 months old girl also always request to wear pretty skirt posted over by her grandma. I love beautiful clothes, beautiful handbags, beautiful house.... and lots more. From the title, can you guess what does Belisi means? Yes, Belisi means Beautiful. If Belisi means beautiful, then you should know that you can find all kind of beautiful things at Belisi.com.
The Belisi Arabian Starburst Signature Pattern in silk scarf, pocket square and woven silk necktie. You also can find all kind beautifu1 Designer Handbags at Belisi. Looking for a gift for your best girl friend? You can try handbag and scarf. For boy friend? You can get a lot of neckties here. By wearing a Belisi silk scarves around your shoulders on a breezy night or tie one around your wrist or handbag for a splash of vibrant color. You will look so elegant!!
Buy now, and if you spent $100 or more you can get 25% off and free shipping to your door step!! Act now!PR3!!
Today, since Loong went to IHE a little bit late, I logged into PPP to have a look. Eiks.. suprise!!! I have oppurtunities to write. This is pretty abnormal. Then I checked... all are PR3... Haha... yes, my PR is updated to 3 now! Not bad huh, at least I can have more opps to write... I am happy!
Today, raining again........
PPP: Furniture!
I have a dream since I was still a teenager. I dream that, one day I can have my own house decorated according to my own taste! First, I would like to have a well furnished kitchen! Since the day I came over to Netherlands, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen cooking for my daugther and my husband. I started to love cooking and searching for all kind of recipe from the website. I feel satisfied when I see my 2 "lover" enjoy my cooking. But, because we are living a student life now, we cannot afford many of the kitchen tools. I only can cook those simple dish which do not required things like oven! Yes, I do not have an oven now! So, in future, when we have sattle down in our own house, I am sure I will put a lot of efford and money to get my kitchen done!
Next, my master bedroom. One will spent 1/3 of his life time to sleep. That's why a good bed is very important to me. I love to sleep! So, I must have a good mattress, good pillow so that I can have a very good quality sleep. I fall in love at first sight with all the Bedroom Furniture show in this furniture website: http://furniturefromhome.com/. I love solid wood furniture. They last for long, looks pretty and solid. My mother in law once told me that, when we bought a bed, must get a king size bed. Why? Because when you have a quarrel with your other half, the bed is still big enough to saparate the 2 husband and wife. True or not? Depend to individuals.
Study room or home office is another important area in my future house. When talking about home office, the most important furniture will be a cabinet that can fix in all the books we have. Beside a multi-purpose study table also play an important part. Browse here for Furniture Home Office. You can see that all the home office furniture are designed to make your home office looks comfortable and make full use of the space. You will love to work from home if you decorated your study room/home office like that.
Now a days, a lot of young people would like to have a bar corner in their house. It's the best way to have a nice chat between a couple and also friends. Looking for a good Tall bar stool? Try to search at http://furniturefromhome.com/. I believe you can find your good stool there. They have lots of variety for you to choose from.
Looking for good furnitures for your house? Try http://furniturefromhome.com/. You can get the best bargain here. You even can get lifestyle suggestion and even furnitures tips from the website. Enjoy your shopping there.