Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What you think?

When come to potty train Anne, Loong is not that supportive. You see, I am the one who will be blamed by my mother, MIL and SIL for not potty train Anne now, not HIM!! He is the one who always reject my intention to potty train Anne. Started yesterday, I decided to ignore his comment. I let Anne go diaper-less during day time (except her nap time). She pees every where around the house. I don't care. I think this is just temporary, but not Loong. When he is at home, he always request me to let Anne wear her diaper. I want to be consistent during the potty train process. What for sekejap pakai, sekejap tak pakai? When Anne pees, he will get angry some more... Do you think I did something wrong? Why he gets angry just because Anne pees? I am sure if I don't potty train Anne before we go back to Malaysia this year Anne, when we are back, I will shoot by my in laws for sure! He won't get scold, I will.

I don't care. I don't want to care so much! I have decided to potty train Anne now!! NOW!!! Wish me good luck, ok?

The following items were my new "tools" in potty train Anne, a training-toilet-seat and 2 training pants (she rejected potty!).