But, since I become his wife, he never write any letter to me or does any romatic act to please me. I think I shall recommend him to read RomanceForEveryone.com to learn how to be a romantic husband! Anyway, I do enjoy reading back all the love letters he wrote to me before.
PPP: Romantic Husband?
But, since I become his wife, he never write any letter to me or does any romatic act to please me. I think I shall recommend him to read RomanceForEveryone.com to learn how to be a romantic husband! Anyway, I do enjoy reading back all the love letters he wrote to me before.
岁月风云 is ending soon.
If person who uploaded the series can upload the series on time next week, I will be watching the last episode next Thursday!! Cannot wait... cannot wait!!!! I want to know the ending soooooon!
PPP: Home Insurance
Insurance can be complicated, but now you can get an online home insurance online and get a 10% discount.Their home policy even comes with the following free benefits:
- free Legal Expenses Insurance, up to £50,000
- free Legal Advice Helpline
- free HomeRescue Emergency Helpline
- free Pre-Travel Advice and Emergency Travel Assistance Helplines (with the Travel option only)
How I wish I can get this policy when my house is ready by end of the year!
Cannot meh?
Normally I will let Anne drinks from a straw. Her drinking bottle also a straw type bottle. Recently, she has been showing interest to drink from a cup. So, I started to let her drink from a cup instead. Just now, before she went to bed (she already wear her pyjamas), she asked for water. I had washed her drinking bottle, so I let her to drink from a cup! When a toddler drink from a cup, the possibility of water split out from the cup is high. If the clothes get wet, change lah!! What's the big deal? Do he needs to scold me just because I let Anne drink for a cup and she wet her pyjamas? Duh~~
PPP: ipipi.com
Don't worry, now you can send and receive SMS from a computer or from any mobile phone using a computer. ipipi.com is an international Text Messaging Service, you do not need to depend to a small handphone screen anymore. Sign up and get a free trial account now!
Loong's lunch box
- 2 chees bread
- 1 butter bread
- 1 banana
- 1 bottle of juice
- 1 stick of Mars chocolate bar
- 1 bowl of salad
So much! Now I know why mat-salleh all so tall and big size one!!! Anyway, their lunch box looks very healthy huh~
PPP: New Blogging Traffic Network
Have a Blog? Join in and Get Massive Traffic. What you need to do is to add a free widget to your blog and have your post automatically promoted to related blog across the internet! Pretty easy right? Try it today!
Another meaningful articel for you to ponder. Sorry that I only have mandarin version.
PPP: Criminal Law & Defense Blog
Now you have a change to read a very interesting Los Angeles Criminal Attorney Blog California Criminal Defense Lawyers Forum. The blog author is an experince lawyer and also a professor at UCLA and Pepperdine Law School. You can read a lot of issues related to California criminal law, strategies in the defense of state and federal crimes.
Where is my key??
I totally forgot about my key after I gave my key to Anne. Then, when Loong came back from his technical visit to Belguim, I told him about my key failed to open the main entrance. He asked me to give him the key because he wanted to try it later. Only then I suddently remember that I passed my key to Anne. I asked Anne where she put my key, she looks blur.
I search high and low, search every drawer that she can reach, all cabinet, all boxes, even inside our fridge. No, cannot find it! If I lost the key, I have to pay Euro 50 for a new set! I don't want lah!! Then, Loong asked me have I check Anne's backpack? I did, but not so detail. Normally she will throw a lot of "rubbish" into her backpack. But I couldn't recall she ever play with her backpack today! Ok, last hope, I dig everything in her backpack out. Then... ta-ta-ta-ta... The key lying peacefully in her backpack. How stupid I am! Wasted so many time and energy to search the whole room... I should start with her backpack! OK, next time I know where to look for my lost item!
Lesson learnt: Never let your children play with your key!
PPP: Free Norton Antivirus Software Download
Are you looking for an anti virus software? Now you can get free norton anti virus download from the link. Yes, you see it right! It is FREE! In this special download of Norton, you are provided with protection from all common types of viruses, as well as detection of Trojan horses, which may allow hackers to monitor your keystrokes and record your every move.
Faster, grab you copy!
Domain, hosting?
Are you looking for a place to host your blog? May be you can try exabyte. I host my main blog at exabyte. I bought the package during National promotion where I got 50% off from my total purchase.
Currently they are having another round of promotion, to celebrate the award they won - 2007’s Golden Bull Awards and their CEO had won theCreative Young Entrepreneur Award ( CYEA ) award. So, what is the promotion? They offer you a FREE 1 year hosting for any new hosting sign up with minimum subscription of 2 years. At least you can save one year's hosting fees! Interested? Hop over to their website to have a look!
Personally I think their support is good. Fast also! I am satified with their services!
PPP: Writing Service
When I found this Custom Research Papers writing service, I was shocked. They actually will assigned a writer to help you to write about your topic. What you need to do is to keep contact and give related information to the writer. Then the assigned writer will come out with a paper that is just like what you want!
Switched - 幸运星
The story is mainly about a chinese physiotherapist who has

So far I only watch until episode 6 where their indentity just been switched. I think the story a bit like a movie - Face Off. One day one episode to watch... I might need 2 weeks to finish this series....
Shopping cart software
Then, I started to travel with Air-Asia, our local cheap-fare airline. It's easier to buy ticket online. So, my first online purchase was to purchase my air ticket. I still seldom did any online shopping until I started to join an online breastfeeding forum. At the forum, I got to know a lot of stay at home mother who started their business at home. They set up a website to sell some mother and baby item online. I started to love to shop at those e-commerce website to look for some breastfeeding accesories there.

It's not easy to set up a website with shopping cart function. But now you can trust the shopping cart software from http://www.ashopcommerce.com/. You can built up your own e-commerce site easily and put you efford in other aspect and leave all the IT related issue to ashopcommerce!
This is a sponsored post.
PPP: Body Jewelry
As a woman, I still love to shop for jewelry. freshtrends.com is a site where you can find all kind of pretty body jewelry. When you register with them, you even can get 10% off with your purchase. Wanna look wild and sexy? May be you can try to get a gold belly button rings and give your husband a BIG surprise! :-D
USD114.70 Spent!

PPP: Hair and beauty products
Beautysleuth is a place where you can find all kind of beauty related information. They editorial team and product specialists have written a range of articles that aim to inform and educate their customer about products and brands that they sell.
If you have currly hair problem which you wish to sraighten it, you can do it at your home by yourself with the products from Beautysleuth. Customers in the UK even can benefit from great new prices on GHD hair sraighteners in the run up to the start of the holiday season.
Hop over to have a look at the great products!
Tag: Birthday Tag
The Rule:
- Go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday (month and day)
- Write down 3 events, 2 births, 1 holiday, and tag 5 friends
Here's the tag:
My Birthday: 29 July
According to Wikipedia .....
3 events:
- 1948 - Olympic Games: The Games of the XIV Olympiad - After a hiatus of 12 years caused by World War II, the first Summer Olympics to be held since the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin opened in London.
- 1967 - Vietnam War: Off the coast of North Vietnam the USS Forrestal catches on fire in the worst U.S. naval disaster since World War II, killing 134.
- 1981 - Lady Diana Spencer marries Charles, Prince of Wales.
2 births:
- 1981 - Fernando Alonso, Spanish two time formula 1 world champion (WAHHHH...)
- 1982 - Allison Mack, American actress
1 holiday:
I need to tag 5 right? I think I skip this, almost everybody done this tag liao...
PPP: XML Aficionado blog
Check out the new XML Aficionado blog, as the writer opens your mind and keeps you abreast of interesting new technologies, trends, gadgets, and software development tools. It's an interesting blog!
Stir-fry Lady Fingers 羊角豆.
I love to eat lady fingers, this is how I cook it!
- Lady fingers 羊角豆
- ikan bilis
- garlics
- 1 chili padi
- Heat wok, add some oil. fried ikan bilis first.
- When ikan bilis turn brown, add in chopped garlics. Stir till fragrant.
- Add in lady fingers, stir, add a little soy sauce.
- Lastly add in chilli padi and stir again.
- Take up, ready to serve!
PPP: Dining Furniture
Now, you can find a lot of dining furniture at http://furniturefromhome.com/, which include Formal Dining Room Furniture that looks so elegant and high-class!
Anyway, according to the weather forecast, this week will be a rainning week. Rain for one whole week, 7 days until Sunday! I have to think of some indoor activities for Anne to play with else we will be too boring to stay at home all the time!
Rain, rain go away, come again another day!
PPP: Looking for a PC?
When I was a web developer, most of my client use Dell PC. I personally prefer a Dell PC also because their good services. I found that the prices of Dell PC also very reasonable and affordable. If you which to get cheap computers with affordable price, try Dell.
My can consider healthy lunch.
PPP: Dell Printers
Are you searching for a high quality inkjet printers? May be you can try Dell printer. Dell printer combines fast, crisp output quality with a low total cost of printing. It is suitable for any company that need a printer scanner copier that can function as a printer, a scanner and a photocopier.
I think I should recomment my sister to get a Dell laptop and also a Dell printer~
Cannot meh??!?
He is like a stone when watching movie. Sit still and watch, from beginning till the end. He said I am very noisy! Ceh... If watch movie like him, fun meh? Enjoy meh? I rather go alone! :-P
PPP: Notebooks
Recently, my younger sister just got an offer to futher her studies after been a teacher for 2 years. She plans to get a Notebook with her saving so that she can do her assignment in her room, which is more convinient for her. She asked for my opinion last week. I suggested Dell notebooks to her. Dell mini pc portable feature great performance and enhanced features with the latest cutting edge technology.
Looking for a notebooks? Try Dell!


另一边厢,李玉莲经营的糖水店,有个中年男人每天下午四点都会来吃芝麻糊。这个男人其貌不扬,沉默寡言。李玉莲给他取了个外号叫--阿乌(陈天文饰演)。 李玉莲的初恋情人结婚,请她喝喜酒,阿乌帮她解围,假扮她的男朋友。阿乌知道李玉莲讨厌有钱人,不敢告诉李玉莲其实他是非常富有的鞋业大老板。 一次,阿乌看到李玉莲的高跟鞋鞋跟断了,特别派人送了27双鞋给李玉莲。李玉莲没想到知道自己会有神秘暗恋者,感到非常开心。她千方百计要查出神秘人的身份,还误会阿乌是鞋店职员,托他找出神秘人。阿乌决定向玉莲坦白,谁知李玉莲却误以为阿乌的助理就是那位神秘暗恋者,阿乌更不敢表白了。
想知道结局?自己看咯! 呵呵!
PPP: Mobile Phones
I don't use most of the fuction in a mobile but my younger brother is different. He loves to have a high-tech mobile phone which have a lot of fuction. He will look for mobile phone deals every now and then so that he knows which model has the most up-to-date function and design.
Personally I prefer Nokia brand. Their mobile design is very pretty and most importantly the function is user-friendly. Nokia N95 deals given by best-mobile-contracts.com make me so desparate to change my mobile phone now! While I believe my eldest sister will be crazy over this Samsung g600 deals since she loves Samsung so much!
I need a new mobile phone now! Yes, NOW!
ONE year!
Can't believe that we actually have heen in Netherlands for 1 year. Last year, we reached Nethelands on 19th September 2006, early morning. We tried our best to get used to the new environment and cold weather. We survived! We survived in God's grace! I thank God for His love and guardian that we finally find our "Asian" way to live in a "western" country. I miss Malaysia, but I still enjoy my life and experience in Netherlands :-)
PPP: Medical tourism
Frankly speaking, I do not think I will ever go for a plastic surgery. I will some times joke with Loong that does him allow me to go for a plastic surgery? His reply did make sense to me. He said: He would not agree nor disagree me to go for a plastic surgery. If one choose to go for a plastic surgery and he/she feels that can bring more confident in them, then go for it! Plastic surgery also very important to those whose have serious scars left on their skin or face after an accident. We cannot say that it is good or bad to go for a plastic surgery, but bare in mind that you must find a trusted clinic and surgeon to do it.
How to choose a plastic surgeon specialised in aesthetic plastic surgery? Make sure you have a board certified plastic surgeon. Remeber that excellent plastic surgeon need basically two things; experience and skillful hands, a gift from God. The education on it's own is not enough. You also need to do a lot of research, testimonials from friends might be also helpful. The best surgeons might not be those that let you travel shortly after operation, if you can leave immediately after the operation, please think twice!
Plastic surgery in Prague and Czech Republic is in fact home of a modern plastic surgery. Czech plastic surgeons are highly qualified, skilled, trained and educated. Clinics are located in Prague, Brno and other smaller cities. Both Prague and Brno have international airports where you may arrive. Czech Republic is a fairly small country. You even can have a peaceful rest there after your operation.
You can read more information here!
Expensive? Do you have any recommendation where else I can buy children books online?

PPP: Nourish Your Skin
The dry weather in Netherlands has caused me to take more steps to protect my skin. I started to read on skin care related articles so that I know how to protect my skin effectively. I believe all girls/women wish to look pretty, right?
The new trend of skin care is to nourish the skin from the inside out. In addition to applying any moisturizer or sunscreen on your skin, another way to improved your skin health is by having this newly discovered dietary supplement called R.G. (Red Gâc) Skin Revitalizer. R.G. Skin Revitalizer is a daily skin nourishment exceptionally rich in antioxidants to support your body against damaging free radicals and to help provide nutrient support for strong cellular rejuvenation. It Works from the inside out and complements topical skin care regimen.
Gâc is actually a bright-red fruit that grows as large as a cantaloupe and abundantly on vines all over sub-tropical Asia, especially in Vietnam. This fruit is grown in home gardens and valued for its medicinal potentials. Gâc oil is a premier source of carotenoids which are in a highly bio-available form – your body absorbs these fat-soluble nutrients better than if it were a juice. Besides that, Beta-carotene, a natural carotenoid antioxidant found abundantly in Gâc fruit, helps boost the immune system, assists the skin’s cellular rejuvenation process, and supports the structural integrity of the tissues.
Looking for a dietary supplement that supports skin health? May be you should try R.G. Skin Revitalizer.
Sweet and sour spare ribs

- spare ribs - chopped into small pieces
- corn flour to marinate spare ribs
- 2 tbsp of tomato sauce
- garlic
- 1/4 lemon
- sugar
- soy sauce
- Marinate spare ribs with corn flour and a little bit of soy sauce (30 minutes).
- Use a pot, deep fried spare rib in hot oil. Once cooked, take out set aside.
- Add tomato sauce, lemon, sugar and a little soy sauce in a small bowl.
- Heat wok, add a little old, add in garlic and cook until it's fragrant.
- add in the sauce. Once the sauce started to boil, add in fried spare ribs and stir.
- Take out and ready to serve!
p/s: If you like spicy, add some chili padi.
PPP: Trusted places in London
With this site, my travel plan will become so much easier!
Simply rambling!
PPP: The importance of Business Data
Besides prenventing loss of data, it is also vey important to keep on track of the data in a business and the consequences of getting it wrong is another nightmare!
The task of implementing business intelligence solutions can be a daunting one, but http://www.contemporary.co.uk/ is ready to help you harness your data and transform it into useful, useable information. For over fifteen years, Contemporary has worked with a wide range of organisations throughout the UK to successfully deliver business intelligence consulting, training and products that have helped to drastically improve business performance. They provide the knowledge and expertise of a leading and well-established Business Intelligence consultancy, whilst working closely with you to deliver tailor-made solutions that best suit your company, deliver on time and of course within your budget.
Are you looking for a way to transform your data? May be you can get your help from Contemporary - the Business Intelligence experts.
I knelt to pray but not for long, I had too much to do. I had to hurry and
get to work. For bills would soon be due. So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,
and jumped up off my knees. My Christian duty was now done. My soul could rest at ease... All day long I had no time to spread a word of cheer. No time to
speak of Christ to friends, they'd laugh at me I'd fear. No time, no time, too
much to do. That was my constant cry. No time to give to souls in need. But at
last the time, the time to die. I went before the Lord, I came, I stood with
downcast eyes. For in his hands God held a book; It was the book of life. God
looked into his book and said "Your name I cannot find, I once was going to
write it down...But never found the time"
I afraid that this will happen to me. I afraid God cannot find my name in the book of like. Thanks Jenny for sending this message to me. A good reminder to me.
PPP: Learn to dance Bachata
I steam silken taufu (on top I put a lot of fried shallot):

And I steam minced pork with eggs and "dong choi":
But, Loong doesn't like steam food! I have to force him to eat all these food. He said, it's taste-less... You see, that's why he got hypertension at such a young age!!! It a difficult task to control his diet!! I hate it when he show me his "sienz" face after looking at what I prepared!
PPP: Hotels
Are you planning to visit UK? Now you can pick a hotel in UK at hotelshop easily. You even can make a last minute hotel bookings & reservations at the site. They are specialise in booking 2-5 star hotel accommodation & short breaks throughout the UK. You will definately find a hotel that is within you budget easily here.
I think I better plan for a trip to UK now! Some of my friend are working there, they can be my travel guide. What I need is a hotel room to stay in. This site is just right for me!
- Wantan skin
- Minced pork
- 4 dried mushroom (chopped)
- garlics
- salt to taste
As I mention before, I love marmitte. So, I just mix my cooked wantan with marmitte. Simple and delicious lunch!
RM: Halloween Costume
This year is our 2nd Halloween in Netherlands. Last year we just arrived in Netherlands, we had too much things to settle than celebrating Halloween here. Besides, last year Anne was too young to join the fun of trick and treat. This year, I am not sure whether I will let Anne join trick and treat with other kids here but I started to love all those Halloween Costume I see when I was shopping. I started to imagine how I want to dress my girl. People always says that she looks like a boy, I am thinking to dress her like a fairy princess. I want to show everyone that my girl is a pretty girl!
Looking for kid's Halloween Costume? Ever consider a NFL uniform from Franklin Sports for a Halloween costume? Kids, especially BOYs love them! It will be fun to see a team of mini NFL going around for trick and treat!
Moon cakes!

PPP: Home sweet home
Cheap meh?
- fare price RM 32.00
- Airport Tax RM 30.00
- Administration Fee RM 84.00
- Fuel Surcharge RM 160.00
- GoInsure RM 0.00
Aiyoo... Why fuel surcharge so high one!! When I first saw the offer, I was so happy...
PPP: Wing Chair
So fast autumn liao??
PPP: Life Planning
Soon after I gave birth to Anne - our lovely daughter, we started to do some family financial planning. The first thing we did is buy life and saving insurance for her and ourself. We hope that if something happen to both of us, at least our parents and our daughter will have extra money to support their life.
Estate planning is another way for you to show your love to your love one. I am working for a Provident Fund company for 3 years before I started my unpaid leaves. I saw a lot of cases where family members of the one who passed away need to go through a long period and a lot of paper work due to the reason that he/she did not make any estate planning.
Morris, Hall & Kinghorn is an Arizona law firm that has been providing quality legal services for over 30 years. The firm has helped thousands of people who are concerned about protecting their families from the devastating legal effects of disability and death. A well-drafted estate plan ensures that your estate passes to those you want, when you want, and is carried out in the manner you've chosen. You can protect your family from the long, public process and costly matter of probate.
Looking for a law firm for estate planning? Morris, Hall & Kinghorn is ready to help you for a review of your estate planning needs and for additional information on how they can help you to chart your legal and financial future.
Auto approved!
I am also glad that they changed they ToS again. Only PPP post need at least on non-sponsored interim post! This make our life easier... Sounds like I write a lot of paid-post hor... Haha...
PPP: Car Vacuum
SR: TrustSource.org
I shound know this site earlier: TrustSource.org. All products listed on TrustSource.org have been evaluated and compared by the users. Once this process is finalized they will rank the products for the consumer. Besides that, they also provide their own customer reviews and ranking. You can find your desire product easily at the website.
Ok, back to hair loss story. Whether you have already lost hair or want to prevent hair loss, you can find some popular hair loss products on the market today along with reviews from people who used them at TrustSource.org. Provillus get a very good review from the user. It can aggressively seeds your scalp to create the optimum environment for new, healthy hairs. It supplies the proper nutrition required to bring damaged, dead hair follicles back to life. While Procerin is another product that get a good review. It is an all-natural supplement and serum. This product is effective in reversing hair loss in men caused by androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of male hair loss.
Do you also have hair loss problem? Why not search so some useful product information at TrustSource.org.
Changing color...
PPP: Online Quiz
Kena Complaint!
He always complaint that Anne is very noisy (running footsteps of her). I do not think that she is noisy, OK? May be some times when Anne running in the room does cause some "ping-pong-ping-pong" noise, but it's in the afternoon, for a very short period! How does HE wants me to control my girl? Tie her up and not allow her to walk around? STUPID! I will get Anne ready to bed by 8:30pm. Means, we will be in the room by 8:00am, reading books or sing together. So, by 8:00pm we will be very quiet already! What's more he wants? And, I always warn Anne to walk slowly now. How loud can be a toddler's footsteps? We almost very expert in "qing gong" already!
Yesterday we were so angry with this fellow. It's Monument Open Day, so, we were not at home most of the time. Even when we were at home, Anne was sleeping, I am cooking, Loong is surfing net. Then at 7:30pm, he came and told us that he is going to complaint to the housing agent that we were noisy! What the HELLLL! Yesterday we seldom WALK in the room, you know? The time he knocked our door, we were eating oranges on the floor, not even walking in the room, how can we be noisy? He has dog's ear is it??
Anyway, a Malaysia who is his coursemate told us that he is a complaint king! So, we are unlucky to stay upstairs of his room! He need a super-duper quiet room. He cannot stands any noise (NO, I don't think we are noisy!). The problem is on HIM, not US!
Go lah... go complaint lah! We will tell the truth. We are not in the wrong position! Duh~
PPP: Debate website
I will write more later. Just a short note on which Monument we had visited this morning (from 10:00am to 12:30pm):
- IHE building - The place Loong does his Ph.D
- Nieuwe Kerk (New Church) - Markt 80
- Stadhuis (City Hall) - Markt 87
- Vleeshal (Koornbeurs)
- Oude Kerk (Old Church)
- St.-Hippolytuskapel
- Maria van Jessekerk
- Musuem Paul Tetar van Elven
- Stadsherberg De Mol
Can't believe that we actually enter so many places in 2.5 hours.
PPP: Retiree Workforce
With current labourforce crisis, a lot of companies started to look for more mature and experienced worker to fill the gap with the younger generation. Their knowledge is much needed to train the young one to be able to work more independently. By going back to workforce, retirees can use their time and their expertise wisely. They can still earn money to support their own life and the best part is, if they are still under workforce, they can get other benefits like medical coverage and financially secured.
Are you a retiree or going to be a retiree but still wish to continue to be able to serve a company with the knowledge that you have? Try to look for more information at Retireeworkforce.com. This site offers a solution that connects employers that want to hire reitrees and retirees looking to get back into the workforce. What are you waiting for? Post your resume today! You might get a change to work in America!
Article sharing
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.
Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.
Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
A serious note about heart attacks HEART ATTACK PROCEDURE (THIS IS NOT A JOKE!)
Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.
60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.
Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.
Read this...It could save your life!!
Let's say it's 6.15pm and you're driving home. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest to your home.
Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.
Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.
Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!
PPP: Trusted Places
Watercrest soup.
It's not easy to get watercrest here. We only can get it from Hua Nam Hang in Rotterdam. Luckily this shop is very near to our church in Rotterdam, so normally we will go to this shop after our Sunday service. We have to wait at the main door for the shop open at 12:oopm every sunday (Sunday service ended 11:30am)!
- 2 bulks of watercrest
- pork ribs
- red dates
- dried longans
- chinese wolfberry
- Wash and separate the watercrest’s sprouts and stems.
- Boil a big pot of water and another small pot of water.
- When the small pot of water is boiling, add in pork ribs. Once the water boil again, take out the pork ribs and put into the big pot of boiling water. This is to avoid your soup look blur.
- Then add in the watercrest stems and red dates, dried longans, chinese wolfberry and then boil for at least 1 hours.
- Dig out the stems from the pot and put in the watercrest sprouts and let it boil for a while.
- When you just about to turn off the fire, add salt.
But here have one very interesting bidding site, bid4prizes. It is a reverse auction website where the lowest unique bid will win the prizes. Yes, you see it right! The lowest bidder will win the bid. The winner even do not need to pay for the item he won, not even the shipping fees. It's just like a free gifts for the winner!
Want to try your luck? Hop over to see what prizes you can bid. You will be extremely surprised with all the great prizes. Beside prizes like designer handbags, plasma TV, cars and even cash prizes!
Calorie Counter
MyFitnessPal is a site where you can get your 100% free calorie counter. Besides that, you also can get lots of free and useful dieting tips from their Enewletter. You also can use their online calorie chart to check on nutrition facts for foods that you want to cook.
Wanna lose weight in a healthy way? MyFitnessPal is a very useful site which I think all of us should bookmark it and learn from the expert!
PPP: Out of the Wild.
Out of the Wild website is looking for Christian men who are ready for the next step in their walk, becoming men on a mission from God. If you have a heart for God and are seeking His Will in their lives, you are most welcome to join this community. They helps to encourage men through the 3 steps of the Christian faith:
- Accepting Christ as savior,
- Becoming Discipled,
- Becoming a Man on a Mission From God (finding their purpose in life and pursuing it wholeheartedly).
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宝鹏举(黄文永饰演)早年丧妻,他独自抚养4个孩子-- 宝文精(郑斌辉饰演)、宝文忠(王禄江饰演)、宝文卫(芮恩饰演)。宝文卫是宝家老三,也是唯一的女孩子。 宝鹏举是个职业军人,他在教育孩子时,也采用了军中的一套方法,以“军法统治”管理家里的一切大小事务,就算对女儿也一样,让宝文卫无所适从。大儿子宝文精(郑斌辉饰演)是突击部队上尉(Captain),也是宝鹏举最大的骄傲。宝文精足智多谋、身手不凡,在军中极受重视。 宝文精高大威猛,深得女生欢迎。平时自信满满的宝文精一旦接触到心仪的对象,脑袋会突然变得一片空白,扮酷来掩饰自己的尴尬,这个“毛病”让他一直交不到女友。
二哥宝文忠(王禄江饰演)是电脑工程师,也是活跃的战备军人,更是家中的和事佬,众人的“心理医生”。 文忠生性随和,幽默风趣,非常受到女性欢迎,但对爱情充满理想的他,却迟迟没交女友,只因他相信还没遇到他生命中的“唯一”。
小弟宝文国(鹤天赐饰演)刚从理工学院毕业,即将服役当兵。为了帮文国做好服役的准备,鹏举一天到晚逼着文国训练体能,让他烦不胜烦;加上鹏举总喜欢拿他跟两个出色的哥哥比较,让他对当兵更是反感。文国甚至为了想逃兵役而装病,但他的这些伎俩却轻易被识破,结果换来的是鹏举的一顿打骂。 入伍后,文国发现父亲的训练,让他在接受军训时,比其他的新兵来得得心应手。在当兵的过程中,文国渐渐了解到服役的意义,并明白了团结与责任的重要性,心智渐渐成熟。
刘亚妹(洪慧芳饰演)跟鹏举是军中同事,亚妹多年来一直暗恋着对方,对宝家四兄妹也照顾有加,经常出入宝家,打点一切,俨然是宝家女主人。亚妹多次被家人安排相亲,有碰过条件不错的对象,但亚妹总会吹毛求疵,嫌弃对方,只因心里一直等待着鹏举。 宝家四兄妹也深知亚妹的心意,想方设法撮合两人。鹏举其实也明白亚妹的心思,但他对亡妻仍是念念不忘,所以始终没有接受这份感情。
Picasso(方展发饰演)是广告公司新来的美术总监,被安排与文卫合作。又吝啬又我行我素的Picasso一开始便和文卫犹如贴错门神般,时常为了小事而起争执。巧合的是Picasso回营受训时,竟然又碰到了鹏举。 鹏举对Picasso印象本来不佳,后来Picasso在危急中解救了同僚,鹏举才对他另眼相看。
文卫在为广告做资料收集的过程中,结识了女军官欧阳佩佩(陈凤玲饰演)。在与佩佩接触的过程中,文卫更发现原来佩佩和她家的两个哥哥极有渊源:文精和佩佩因参加军部的训练而结识;文忠和佩佩则是中学同学。 女人味十足的佩佩是许多男性的梦中情人,文精就是其中一个拜倒在她石榴裙下的男子。文精虽想追求佩佩,无奈一接近佩佩,到口的话都忘了,就只能继续扮酷,佩佩对文精的印象因此大打折扣。 其实佩佩的心早有所属,而此人正是文忠。外柔内刚的佩佩在学校时,就已经仰慕文忠,但可惜文忠一直都只把她当作好友。好胜心强的佩佩不肯放弃,相信只要坚持下去,文忠总有一天会接受她的。
文忠因误会而结识了来自邻国的梁小诺(姚懿珊饰演)。文忠对长短脚但内心坚强的小诺心生好感,认定小诺就是自己长久以来在寻找的“唯一”。 文忠积极追求小诺,小诺虽被文忠的诚意感动,却一直对自己害死了前男友无法释怀,加上自卑心作祟,所以一直没法接受新恋情。后来,文忠奋不顾身救了小诺。小诺终于被感动,接受了文忠的爱意。 保守的鹏举不能接受儿子竟然喜欢上一个身体残缺的女人,坚决反对两人来往,并和文忠产生了前所未有的矛盾。鹏举后来在亚妹的劝解下,偷偷去调查了小诺,了解到小诺是个善解人意的好女孩,终卸下成见,成全了小俩口。 佩佩知道自己竟然败给小诺,让一向自信满满的她,承受极大的打击,变得一蹶不振,自暴自弃。文精看在眼里,极为心痛,在旁默默支持她。佩佩才恍然大悟最关心自己的是文精,感动之际,了解到被爱比爱人幸福,欣然接受了文精的爱意。
文精在练跆拳道时,碰见了身手同样了得的巫成义,还发现对方原来是自己的小学同学。成义是个自由摄影师,长年在第三世界国家工作。 在一次文卫负责的广告拍摄,文卫聘请的摄影师因食物敏感,而临阵退出。成义见义勇为,代替了摄影师,让文卫感激,更让她对这个才华横溢,又带有神秘气质的男人有了好感。 成义知道文卫喜欢自己,但是碍于自己身负重任,一直不愿意接受文卫。一次意外,文卫误以为成义命丧黄泉,真情流露,让成义十分感动,终于接受了文卫的感情。
文卫和Picasso在合作的过程,从开始的互相厌恶,到后来发现彼此的优点。Picasso更不知不觉地对这善良可爱的女孩产生了情愫,凡事迁就她,可是粗枝大叶的文卫完全不知不觉。 Picasso之前在军中原是一名爆破专家,和一起共事的Ben是好兄弟。一次,Picasso和Ben遇到有人被劫匪抢劫,出手相助。不料在追捕劫匪的过程中,Ben为了救Picasso,不幸跌下楼梯,导致Ben下半身瘫痪,并且变得自暴自弃,甚至连妻儿都被他赶走。 这秘密无意间让文卫发现,了解其实Picasso吝啬是为了帮Ben。文卫渐渐对Picasso改观,对他产生了前所未有的感觉;而与此同时,文卫却发现成义对自己有所保留,常常不知所踪,两人之间的距离似乎越来越远。 Picasso虽喜欢文卫,可是成义的存在,却让他对文卫的感情裹足不前,于是毅然决定忍痛放弃,到国外工作。临走的前一晚,两人其实心里都有话要说,但始终没说出。文卫经过一夜思考,明白自己喜欢的是Picasso,于是第二天,赶到机场追回Picasso,奈何两人错过。文卫伤心吃着雪糕时,Picasso却突然出现,表示不想留下遗憾,并向文卫表白心意,文卫欣然接受。
文卫到成义家,向成义说清楚与Picasso的事,不料却发现成义的秘密,反被成义和同党挟持,当为人质。 原来成义这次来新加坡的目的就是要解救被判了死刑的大哥。成义曾经几次放置炸弹威胁政府放了他大哥,但政府却不肯妥协。成义和同党于是决定铤而走险,挟持了一间幼儿园的老师和孩子,威胁政府释放在牢狱里的大哥。
Picasso发现文卫被成义抓走,发狂似的四处找她。在已经无计可施之下,Picasso想起曾经在幼儿园碰到成义,于是和文精一起到幼儿园,希望得到一些线索,正巧碰到成义和同党闯进幼儿园。在一番打斗之后,文精和Picasso成功地制服了成义和他的同党,拯救了幼儿园里的老师和孩子。 Picasso在成义的引导之下,找到了文卫,却发现文卫身上绑了计时炸弹。Picasso一时间无法解开,而接近引爆的时间却越来越近…
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I feel like a failure!
BUT, I am happy to see Anne sayang the boy a lot! She is willing to share all her toy with the boy!
My Lil Venture’s September Giveaway
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