Thursday, September 06, 2007

PPP: Out of the Wild.

Have you ever do something wild in your life? When I first see this Out of the Wild website, my first thinking was, what is the purpose of the website? After some reading, I found that purpose of Out of the Wild is to encourage men while they follow Christ and to provide them with opportunities to support one another through fellowship and accountability as they strive to become men on a mission from God, which is a very good website.

Out of the Wild website is looking for Christian men who are ready for the next step in their walk, becoming men on a mission from God. If you have a heart for God and are seeking His Will in their lives, you are most welcome to join this community. They helps to encourage men through the 3 steps of the Christian faith:
  1. Accepting Christ as savior,
  2. Becoming Discipled,
  3. Becoming a Man on a Mission From God (finding their purpose in life and pursuing it wholeheartedly).

The community has forums for men to encourage one another and a weekly devotional series available via email.

Wanna join this interesting community? Simply click here to be taken to the registration form.